If you knew that embracing Critical Race Theory (CRT) could interfere with the future eternal rest for your soul, would you still support and embrace it — or heartily reject it? This question is more than rhetorical. Consider it existential. While CRT is all the “rage” in and through culture and society, God beckons all to Critical Repentance Time (God’s CRT) to redeem the misguided race-based movement that maligns culture and society via the secularists’ doctrine of CRT.
Read MoreRasmussen polls recently confirmed that over two-thirds of Black voters (approx. 70%) support voter ID laws. Black voters understand that voter fraud undermines black voices; this is the most prevalent form of voter disenfranchisement. When black voices are silenced, all “Black life” is damaged in general.
Read MoreRasmussen polls recently confirmed that over two-thirds of Black voters (approx. 70%) support voter ID laws. Black voters understand that voter fraud undermines black voices; this is the most prevalent form of voter disenfranchisement. When black voices are silenced, all “Black life” is damaged in general.
Read MoreRasmussen polls recently confirmed that over two-thirds of Black voters (approx. 70%) support voter ID laws. Black voters understand that voter fraud undermines black voices; this is the most prevalent form of voter disenfranchisement. When black voices are silenced, all “Black life” is damaged in general.
Read MoreWhat is the EBLM Partner site? Written by our Co-Founder, Neil Mammen By Neil Mammen “If you are one of the supporters and partners of this vision, you will know […]
Read MoreThe video will not automatically show up. Look for the episode on March 9, 2021 at 7PM (American Churches Complicity in Hurting Black Lives? https://www.americanmediaperiscope.net/making-sense-of-the-madness
Read MoreJoin Kevin and Neil for an honest discussion about woke, social justice, CRT and other issues contending for the church’s allegiance. A few questions we discuss Explain Woke? What is […]
Read MoreI have always maintained the right of all people including BLM and Antifa to peacefully assemble, to peacefully protest, and to even peaceably protest with acts of Civil Disobedience. This is a tried and true and blessed tactic, it has been practiced by Indians led by Gandhi, Americans led by MLK, and Christians led by the early church fathers, but it must be done without any destruction of property or any violence towards people or property and without the violation of any moral laws.
Read MoreThe core issue is, should we stand with organizations that promote unfettered hatred and violence as part of its respective creed and tactics? Or stand against such organizations? Dietrich Bonheoffer reminds us, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”
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