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Truth and Justice Blog
Trump’s 25% Tariff Threat: A Bold Move to Combat Illegal Immigration and Fentanyl Crisis
What do you think about all this? Do you think these tariffs could make a difference, or are there better ways to address these issues? It’s certainly food for thought!
From News Leader to Controversy: The Fall of MSNBC
Looking at what’s happened with MSNBC, it’s clear that going too far into partisan territory can be risky for news outlets. While it might build a loyal base, it can also turn a lot of people away and damage a network’s reputation.
Preserving the Republic: Ensuring the Presidency Serves the Nation, Not the Individual
Reforming the presidency and government isn’t about undermining the office but ensuring it remains accountable to the people. By enacting these reforms, the United States can safeguard itself against the whims of any future leader and create a foundation for lasting stability and prosperity.
Desperation and Determination: Migrants Embark on US-Bound Caravan
The journey isn’t just physically demanding – it’s dangerous. Criminal groups often target migrants, demanding money or kidnapping them for ransom. Families back home receive frightening phone calls, asking for payments to ensure their loved ones’ safety.
The Quiet Erosion of Liberty: Are We Paying Attention?
Let’s work together to keep liberty alive, not just for ourselves, but for future generations who deserve to know what true freedom feels like.
God, Governance, and Golden Arches: Insights from Dennis Prager
What do God, government, and golden arches have in common? According to Prager, they’re all part of what makes American culture special. They remind us that big ideas and everyday moments are connected.