
Dallas, TX USA



Send us a message.

Every Black Life Matters is a 501c3 non-profit agency.  Our EIN# is 86-3439996.  

If you would like to mail a check or package to us, please use the Texas address.


539 W Commerce St.
Dallas, Texas 75208

Truth and Justice Blog

Breaking Barriers, Building Futures: A Manifesto for Black Excellence

This shift in paradigm boldly challenges the notion of eternal victimhood often forced upon Black communities. It boldly highlights that Black individuals are not limited by past oppression but are fueled by a history of resilience and a drive to thrive. It’s a bold plea to acknowledge and honor the resilience, dedication, and persistence that have always defined Black communities.

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Embracing Non-Violence: A Path to Peace

We staunchly affirm that while violence is sometimes needed against an unreasonable aggressor as described by Saint Augustine in his Just War Theory treatise in “The City of God”, enduring advancement can often be best attained through peaceful methods.

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Champion of Justice and Security 

Strong and prosperous communities are inherently founded on the principles of legal frameworks and societal regulations.
Every Black Life Matters, advocates for the utmost levels of communal security and staunchly backs the endeavors of just law enforcement.

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Injustice Anywhere Breeds Injustice Everywhere

The historical attempts to eradicate Black lives, combined with the devastating loss of over 25 million Black lives through abortion, fuels an unwavering commitment to both Black life and justice for all.
Our movement poses a critical question: Are you with us in this fight?

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Humanity’s Tapestry: One Race, Diverse Cultures 

At Every Black Life Matters, we acknowledge a fundamental truth: we are all one race—the human race—with inherent rights that transcend any arbitrary categorization.

Within this singular race flourishes a dazzling array of cultures and ethnicities, each adding its unique color and texture to the magnificent human fabric.

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