
Dallas, TX USA



Biden: “White Supremacy is poison.”

In the wake of the horrific mass killing that targeted Blacks in Buffalo last weekend, President Joe Biden gave a speech branding the “poison” of white supremacist ideology as motivating the awful deed.  Biden asserted white supremacy is a poison that has been allowed to grow and fester and it’s an ideology that cannot be allowed to stand. Yes! This sad truth must certainly be addressed.

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We’re experiencing brutish cruelty…It’s time to accept good ol’ “Lunch Box Joe” is a cruel Joe!

If you knew that embracing Critical Race Theory (CRT) could interfere with the future eternal rest for your soul, would you still support and embrace it — or heartily reject it? This question is more than rhetorical. Consider it existential. While CRT is all the “rage” in and through culture and society, God beckons all to Critical Repentance Time (God’s CRT) to redeem the misguided race-based movement that maligns culture and society via the secularists’ doctrine of CRT.

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Black Virginia voters are once again being disrespected by the spectacle, but: “We see you!”

If you knew that embracing Critical Race Theory (CRT) could interfere with the future eternal rest for your soul, would you still support and embrace it — or heartily reject it? This question is more than rhetorical. Consider it existential. While CRT is all the “rage” in and through culture and society, God beckons all to Critical Repentance Time (God’s CRT) to redeem the misguided race-based movement that maligns culture and society via the secularists’ doctrine of CRT.

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Dear Ms. DiAngelo – we don’t need your help!

Rasmussen polls recently confirmed that over two-thirds of Black voters (approx. 70%) support voter ID laws. Black voters understand that voter fraud undermines black voices; this is the most prevalent form of voter disenfranchisement. When black voices are silenced, all “Black life” is damaged in general.

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Response to Pres. Biden’s proposed CRT policy for schools.

Rasmussen polls recently confirmed that over two-thirds of Black voters (approx. 70%) support voter ID laws. Black voters understand that voter fraud undermines black voices; this is the most prevalent form of voter disenfranchisement. When black voices are silenced, all “Black life” is damaged in general.

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Partnership with Heritage Foundation

We are honored to be one the National Partners with

“a coalition of non-profit organizations who work for the wellbeing of American families. We are passionate about protecting children – our own, and all those across America.”

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