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When Racism Hits Home: The Ongoing Struggle of Koshy George Against Racism and Injustice

Written by Contributing Author, Charles Wekesa

By Charles Wekesa

Remember, real racism is still a big problem, and we need to take it seriously. By supporting people like Koshi and his family, we can help make sure that justice is served and that no one has to live in fear because of their race.

Overview of Racism Claims in Modern Society

In today’s world, we often hear about racism in the news and on social media. But sometimes, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s not. Some people make up stories about racism, and that’s a big problem. It makes it tough for folks who are really dealing with racism to be heard and believed.

It’s super important that we learn to spot the difference between actual racism and made-up stories. This way, we can help those who are truly suffering and make sure they get the support they need.

The Dangers of False Racism Claims

Remember the Jussie Smollett case? That’s a perfect example of how false claims can cause a lot of trouble. Smollett said he was attacked because of his race, but it turned out he made the whole thing up. Cases like this make people doubt real victims of racism.

It’s like the story of the boy who cried wolf. When people keep hearing fake stories, they might not believe the real ones when they happen. This makes life even harder for people who are actually facing racism every day.

Introducing Koshy George’s Case: A Real Example of Racism

Now, let me tell you about Koshy George and his family. They’re a hardworking bunch who moved to San Jose a while back. Koshy and his wife are both professionals, and they were excited about their new home and community.

But things didn’t turn out as they hoped. They’ve been having some serious issues with one of their neighbors, and it’s not just a simple disagreement over borrowed lawn tools or noisy parties.

It all began with a tree. Koshy’s family needed to remove a tree from their property, and that’s when the trouble started. Their neighbor didn’t like it one bit and started behaving in a really nasty way.

At first, it was just angry words and threats. But then, the neighbor started using racial slurs. It was shocking and hurtful, especially because Koshy and his family had never experienced anything like this before.

Escalation of Racially Motivated Abuse

Things got worse from there. The neighbor started filing all sorts of lawsuits against Koshy’s family. These weren’t real legal issues – they were just a way to bully and scare the family.

The neighbor would yell racist insults at them and try to make other people in the neighborhood avoid Koshy’s family. It was like living in a nightmare, with someone constantly trying to make them feel unwelcome and afraid in their own home.

Impact on the Family: Financial, Emotional, and Social

This whole situation has been really tough on Koshy’s family. Their daughter, Abigail, has been especially affected. It’s hard for a kid to understand why someone would be so mean just because of their race.

The family has lost a lot of money too. They’ve had to pay for lawyers to defend themselves against all those fake lawsuits. They’ve even tried to move away, but it’s not easy to sell a house when there’s so much drama going on.

The Legal System’s Slow Response

You’d think the police and courts would be able to stop this kind of behavior quickly, right? Sadly, it’s not that simple. Even though Koshy’s family has gotten restraining orders and filed criminal charges, the harassment keeps going.

Part of the problem is that the neighbor used to work in the legal field. They know how to use the system to their advantage and keep causing trouble without getting in too much trouble themselves.

Call to Action: How Readers Can Help

If you’re reading this and feeling frustrated, you’re not alone. But there are things we can do to help Koshy and his family:

  1. Write letters to local authorities. Let them know that this kind of racism and harassment isn’t okay in your community.
  2. Share Koshy’s story. The more people who know about it, the more pressure there will be to do something.
  3. Speak up against racism when you see it. Whether it’s in your neighborhood or online, don’t stay silent.

Remember, real racism is still a big problem, and we need to take it seriously. By supporting people like Koshy and his family, we can help make sure that justice is served and that no one has to live in fear because of their race.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

Let’s not be the people who do nothing. Let’s stand up for Koshy George and his family, and for anyone facing racism in their daily lives.


Santa Clara  DA, Jeff Rosen
San Jose Mayor, Matt Mahan
San Jose Police Captain, Stephen Donohue
Santa Clara County Supervisor, Joe Simitian
Hate Reporting Programs Director, 211 LA, Yolanda Anguiano
Deputy District Attorney, Palo Alto, Vincent Doctor
Attorney of the City of San Jose, Nora Frimann
US Congressman for District Rep. Jimmy Panetta, Kent Harris
Community-Based Organization Manager California Civil Rights Department, James Williams
State Bar of California, Alex Binder
Deputy District Attorney, Santa Clara County Office, Alexandra Gadeberg
San Jose District 10 Councilman, Arjun Batra

Articles from Charles Wekesa

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