This list is comprised of concerned citizens who signed on to support EBLM's Open Letter to Pastor Warnock.
The list was last updated on Jan 5, 2021 at 1am PST
We will update this list as more names come in.

# | First | L.I. | State/Country | Message |
1 | Kerry | E | AK | |
2 | Barbara | H | AL | |
3 | Diana | D | AL | Know anyone going out from Alabama to Georgia that I could ride with? |
4 | Nancy | G | AL | |
5 | Gregory | S | AR | |
6 | Holly | H | AR | |
7 | Josh | B | AR | |
8 | Nouguier | AR | ||
9 | Angela | B | AZ | |
10 | Anita | G | AZ | am a white old woman who was raised in Louisiana.It was segregated s you know, and I didn’t understand it then and I can’t accept it now! I can find no reason to think that I am better than someone who is black! It is shameful for a black race to have to convince stupid people that black lives matter! May our God who made you and me bless you in this great endeaver! |
11 | Carol | P | AZ | |
12 | Carol | S | AZ | |
13 | Michael | C | AZ | Could not agree more;Every Black Life Matters!!!! |
14 | Richard | S | Az | |
15 | Sharon | C | AZ | |
16 | Wade | O | AZ | |
17 | Bernice | D | CA | |
18 | Brian | A | ca | Stand for what is right and eternal, not what’s temporary and self-serving in this life. When your took the oath for office, it was sacred and should hold meaning far above and beyond anything else. As you know, our leaders are held to a much higher standard, so live and act like it. |
19 | Cheryl | B | CA | God bless you for your work for the unborn. |
20 | Christina | R | CA | Repent |
21 | Colleen | F | CA | |
22 | David | B | CA | Thank you for doing this |
23 | Delon | J | CA | |
24 | Diana | M | CA | |
25 | Don | CA | ||
26 | Gary | D | CA | |
27 | Greg | H | CA | |
28 | John | M | CA | |
29 | John | N | CA | PRaying for you and our Nations… remember Your belief or non belief in God does not mean He real or not. HE is |
30 | John | O | CA | Kevin, Great job. I have met you several times during your Frederick Douglas work. I love this new project. Best to you, John |
31 | Kalvin | S | CA | |
32 | Karen | CA | An baby begins to feel pain in the second month of pregnancy. It is beyond barbaric to dissect the “fetus” like it is a meaningless potato. It should also be as illegal just as dissecting a newborn would be. | |
33 | Kathy | R | CA | Thank you for taking the time to share this with me and all of those running for office. |
34 | Kenneth | M | CA | |
35 | Kristen | R | CA | |
36 | Linda | M | CA | |
37 | Liz | R | CA | |
38 | Marcella | M | CA | |
39 | Margaret | L | CA | Thank you for having a reasonable answer for Christians who are against the philosophy of BLM. “Every Black life matters” is amazing! |
40 | Maria | M | Ca | Every Black Life Matters does not subjectively choose which black lives are protected but promises to promote justice for ALL BLACK LIVES!!! |
41 | Mary | F | CA | |
42 | Mary | B | CA | I support every point my brother, Kevin, has made. I ask you to consider his right and righteous message and to stand before our God rejecting the hypocrisy of all you represent, especially since you claim to be a preacher of the gospel. |
43 | Michael | N | CA | Leave the election, and continue to serve God |
44 | Natalie | V | CA | |
45 | Pastor Gheorghe | R | CA | |
46 | Raymond | P | CA | |
47 | Raymond | P | CA | |
48 | Richard & Janet | W | CA | Nobody that professes to be a “Christian” can support planned parenthood and abortion. |
49 | Robert | P | CA | The Bible has God’s commandments by which we are supposed to live. God is over you – either blessing of cursing (see Deuteronomy 28). |
50 | Robinson | R | CA | |
51 | Ruth | H | CA | Praying for the senate run off that God will reinstate Sen Kelly Loefler & Sen David Perdue in the senste . Also for Mr Warnock to get save & delivered in Jesus name . God bless USA ! |
52 | Shannon | W | CA | |
53 | Shannon | W | CA | Mr Warnock please listen to Kevin and EBLM as they have a very important message. |
54 | Sherri | C | CA | |
55 | Stephen | N | CA | Please review the truth of the Bible and live it, Pastor. |
56 | Steve | CA | God says to all “I knew you before you were in your mother’s womb.(Jer 1:5) I knit you together, you are beautifully and wonderfully made (Pam 139:13), and I have a plan for your life, a plan to prosper you….” (Jer 29:11). It would be better to have a mill stone around your neck than to cause one of these little ones to sin (Luke 17:1); Hold yourself accountable to God’s word or ignore him at your own peril | |
57 | Tandra | M | CA | Please prayerfully consider by God’s grace |
58 | Teresa | CA | ||
59 | Terry | S | CA | |
60 | Terry | H | CA | You cannot be a Democrat and a Christian!! Look at the Democrat Political Platform—No mention of God; No support of life–whether at birth or extended life for the aged (Democrats have said that health coverage should end at age 75); No biblical values regarding sex, family or gender; No biblical bases regarding education; No rights of Christian expression. |
61 | Tim | T | CA | |
62 | Wanda | E | CA | Please repent of your sins. I will be praying for you |
63 | Wanda | E | CA | |
64 | Tom | T | CA. | As you look at this picture, I pray the HOLY SPIRIT would soften your heart through oil of HIS LOVE! PLEASE consider the little ones, they have no voice, but, YOU can be that voice for them! Praying you’ll reconsider your stance. |
65 | Chaplain Gordon | K | CO | Don’t abuse your “Pastor” title to kill children. Jesus would never. |
66 | Debbie | C | CO | Please do not condone and celebrate the slaughter of innocent preborn lives! |
67 | Mary | L | CO | ALL lives matter |
68 | Nana | F | CO | Abortion is murder and it’s the most deceitful way to continue to destroy the black community, and any community within. Most of all, Gods word says, “Before I formed you in your mother’s womb, I knew you.” Life starts at conception ; God knew these children even before they were formed. God bless you. Let Jesus be Lord, truly – and not the opinion of man. |
69 | Richard | L | CO | Stop the Murder of minority Babies… |
70 | Barbara | M | CT | |
71 | Francis | C | CT | Keep up the good work! |
72 | Lansing | B | CT | |
73 | Rev. Ralph | C | DC | God will hold you accountable for this blasphemy |
74 | Cindy | H | DE | |
75 | Angie | P | FL | Please continue to be courageous to stand for everything that is right in The Lord’s eyes. |
76 | Anthony | H | FL | The most dangerous place for a Black person is in the womb. |
77 | colleen | G | FL | please honor God, and God’s creations, our beautiful babies of all colors. |
78 | Colleen | G | FL | |
79 | Deb | S | FL | |
80 | Del | M | FL | |
81 | E.bree | W | FL | |
82 | George | B | FL | |
83 | Joan | F | FL | ALL Lives matter no matter what color they were born with! God made all of us and we should not interfere with HIS WORKS. |
84 | Karen | H | FL | |
85 | Margaret | M | FL | |
86 | Michelle | A | FL | |
87 | Perry | F | FL | I support and pray for you. With lots of love |
88 | Robin | F | FL | |
89 | Stephen | R | FL | |
90 | Susan | M | FL | |
91 | Angela | GA | ||
92 | Ann | D | GA | Abortion is killing a human being. You are not God who created this human being. Shame on you! |
93 | Ann | B | GA | |
94 | Barbara | B | GA | Please revisit the Bible and take into yourself His Word which is His Spirit to align with Him; and turn away from what He explicitly states are abominations to Him. |
95 | Brandan | L | GA | |
96 | Brian | D | GA | |
97 | Denise | M | GA | |
98 | Evangelist Alveda | K | GA | EBLM, God bless you! |
99 | Jeannie | S | GA | Please, please repent. Jesus is calling for a confused sheep to come home so he can straighten you out. Prayers for you. |
100 | Jennifer | D | GA | |
101 | Jeremy | B | GA | |
102 | Jerome | K | GA | I don’t know how uou can call yourself a Christian let alone a Pastor and support abortion of any manner. |
103 | Joanne | GA | I can’t see a man of God being pro abortion in any way. I absolutely do not want tax dollars to go to murdering the innocent in the womb. | |
104 | Megan | J | GA | |
105 | Michael | L | GA | |
106 | Pam | C | Ga | |
107 | Pat | B | Ga | |
108 | Sam | P | GA | |
109 | Steve | M | GA | |
110 | Suzann | M | GA | |
111 | Teresa | GA | ||
112 | Todd | N | GA | I like the approach you all take – thanks! |
113 | David | T | IA | I agree completely that abortion is anti-Christian and should be denounced by you instead of embraced. |
114 | Zac K | K | IA | |
115 | Candyce | G | IL | |
116 | Elizabeth | P | IL | |
117 | Frank | F | IL | |
118 | Joanne | M | IL | |
119 | John | H | IL | |
120 | Jon | S | IL | Please repent for the sin of advocating abortion. I am praying for you |
121 | Marvin | S | IL | You cannot support elective abortion & still call yourself a Christian! Christians live by God’s Commandments – one of those commandments states that “Thou shalt not KILL!” It is NOT an option! |
122 | Sharon | IL | Protect human life. | |
123 | Sharon | L | IL | All lives matter, especially all preborn babies who are the future of the USA. These precious human beings deserve life, not the violent murder of abortion. Please use your political power to protect these precious preborn babies and to assist their mothers in this time of their need. Thank you. |
124 | Susan | N | IL | Please don’t support abortion any more. Please fight against the shedding of the innocent blood of the unborn lives in America |
125 | Zandra & Andy | A | IL | We pray you consider these important words. |
126 | Carol | T | IN | |
127 | Jackie | S | IN | |
128 | Justin | D | IN | Please don’t believe the lie that to fight against abortion “so called pro-choice†is to oppose women’s health. This is nonsense. The pro life position is for both mother and child. The so called “safe abortionsâ€offered by Planned Parenthood and others put the women at risk of death due to complications during the procedure (see and a higher risk of mental and emotional and spiritual harm due to the killing of the human baby in their womb. We need to fight for the life of the unborn and encourage the family unit and church communities that can provide sustainable support for the mother and child instead of incentivizing the breakdown of family and church. Maybe you were brought to office for such a time as this. |
129 | Kris | H | IN | |
130 | Steven | S | IN | |
131 | Timothy | D | IN | |
132 | William | W | IN | |
133 | Yoki | M | IN | |
134 | Anne | K | Kenya | |
135 | Joe | S | KS | |
136 | Steve | R | KS | |
137 | Susan | W | KS | |
138 | James | C | KY | |
139 | Marla | K | KY | |
140 | Frances | K | LA | If your e-mails come once a week, then I’d like to receive them. I cannot handle more than one a week. Thanks! |
141 | Gail | M | LA | I am anti-abortion and pray you will turn from your support of it. It is an abomination to God. |
142 | Lou | F | LA | |
143 | Pamela | F | LA | Please seek God in your stand on the right to life for all. |
144 | Fernando | F | MA | Please support rights of the unborn and do not abuse women. |
145 | Helen | MA | ||
146 | Richard | C | MA | Please repent! |
147 | Andrew | A | MD | As a Maryland resident who agrees with this, I’m on board . |
148 | Robert | S | MD | |
149 | Heather | G | MI | |
150 | Mark | V | MI | |
151 | Martha | S | MI | |
152 | Michael | S | MI | Thank you ALL for what you do ! Prayers from us to you ! |
153 | Michael | K | MI | |
154 | Sandra | K | MI | |
155 | Tabitha | M | MI | |
156 | Brain | P | MN | |
157 | James | C | MN | |
158 | Marion | MN | ||
159 | Christian | B | mo | |
160 | Conway | W | MO | |
161 | Luanne | H | MO | I have no money to send, but I am praying that God will intervene. This nation needs to repent or suffer the consequences of all the innocent blood crying up to God. Luanne |
162 | Lynn | L | MO | |
163 | Meaghan | H | MO | |
164 | Mike | B | MO | Every life is precious! |
165 | Rhonda | S | MO | Innocent blood of aborted baby’s cry out to God. Please help stop the killing. |
166 | Richard | R | MO | |
167 | Vanessa | H | MO | |
168 | Amanda | J | MS | Protect those who cannot protect themselves! All lives matter! |
169 | Herman | S | MS | |
170 | Pat | S | MS | |
171 | Tammy | M | MS | |
172 | Warren | P | MS | |
173 | Nancy | MT | Please consider the facts in this letter and repent. | |
174 | Toby | G | MT | |
175 | Ande | D | NC | Our unborn are our destiny |
176 | Beth | T | NC | |
177 | Charles | W | NC | THANK YOU so much for this letter. |
178 | Charles | W | NC | Jesus told the religious leaders who claimed Abraham as their father that they were not doing the things Abraham did. He said “Your father is the devil, the father of lies.” Your advocacy of abortion (murder of an innocent life) speaks loudly that you are a “false shepherd” and a slave to Satan. |
179 | David | N | NC | |
180 | Donnie | M | NC | |
181 | Eldrenkamp | J | NC | |
182 | Glenn | D | NC | |
183 | Jim | Mc | NC | All lives matter from the womb to natural death |
184 | John | H | nc | |
185 | Joshua | J | NC | |
186 | Mary | H | NC | |
187 | Paul | M | NC | |
188 | Reggie | H | NC | |
189 | Rick | B | NC | Public officials need to be reminded they are there to serve the public |
190 | Ruth | B | NC | They are the least of us, the most vulnerable, the most innocent. We are their voice & we must speak out for them & protect them. |
191 | Susan | G | NC | |
192 | Cheryl | F | NE | Asking Jesus to bless and protect us!! |
193 | Dave | M | NE | Dear Reverend Warnock – I pray you will honor your stated commitment to God and take the actions Kevin McGary requested of you – may the Lord bless you for your integrity to sincerely repent & honor God |
194 | Georgia | S | NE | |
195 | Carla | A | NJ | Hi, Every life matters! Especially an innocent baby that has a right to be alive like anyone else. |
196 | Claude | NJ | ||
197 | Janine | G | NJ | |
198 | Kelly | B | NJ | We are praying for you in Jesus name. —From a pastor’s wife. |
199 | Patricia | G | NJ | |
200 | Ronald | C | NJ | He proverbially may be called a man of the cloth but it is a compromised and corrupt cloth. God forbid! |
201 | Thomas | P | NJ | |
202 | Greg | C | NM | |
203 | Gregory | NM | ||
204 | Katya | V | NM | |
205 | Larry | G | NM | |
206 | William | NM | ||
207 | Alisa | P | NY | |
208 | Arlene | H | NY | Inspire Biden to do the same |
209 | Augustine | L | NY | Save the unborn |
210 | Avonne | A | NY | |
211 | carol | C | NY | |
212 | David | S | NY | |
213 | Dawn | D | NY | I’m not originally from New York..Only live here for 1 year and 6 months..I’m originally from Chicago, Illinois.. |
214 | Dawn | M | NY | |
215 | Erin | NY | ||
216 | Jerry | M | NY | |
217 | Joseph | B | NY | |
218 | Karen | H | NY | |
219 | Katherine | M | NY | |
220 | Margaret | G | NY | Abortion kills babies in the womb; that is what abortion is! |
221 | Mark & Bobbi | M | Ny | |
222 | Mike | M | NY | |
223 | Sharon | T | NY | May God forgive you for being a puppet for the socialist agenda that’s running rampant in our nation today. You should know better being a pastor. Repent before it’s too late. Your eternal salvation depends upon it. |
224 | Tara | G | NY | Please prayerfully consider the words in this letter! These words are imperative and truthful. The word of God condemns the shedding of innocent blood. Please repent!! |
225 | Tom | D | NY | |
226 | Aaron | C | OH | |
227 | Bradley | F | OH | |
228 | Brsdley | F | OH | |
229 | Christina | J | OH | |
230 | Christina | G | OH | |
231 | Debbie | OH | Shame on you for not protecting Life!😕 | |
232 | Dennis | J | OH | |
233 | Donald | H | OH | May God guide your thoughts |
234 | Gary | M | OH | Challenges of Faith Radio Program concurs! |
235 | Gary | M | OH | |
236 | Janine | M | OH | Please pray and seek God’s way of preserving human life. |
237 | Kullberg | OH | ||
238 | Mary | W | OH | |
239 | Pat | G | OH | |
240 | Rachell | K | OH | I pray for all eyes to be opened to see the truth. Amen |
241 | Rob | C | OH | |
242 | Timothy | G | OH | |
243 | Christina | G | OK | |
244 | Danny | B | OK | |
245 | Larry | OK | It is a Grand thing that you are working to Stop. Thank You Very Much for your effor | |
246 | Larry | B | OK | Thank you. When you look at 3 Americans under 48, 1 is missing. When you look at 1 African-American under 48, another 1 is missing. |
247 | Mark | V | Ontario | |
248 | Douglas | K | OR | Baby Life Matters !!! |
249 | Kathleen | M | OR | I just want to add a scripture concerning life and what God thinks of it. Please prayerfully read Psalms 139 and listen to God’s voice. |
250 | Nancy | M | OR | Grow up & follow God & the Bible |
251 | Patricia | L | OR | Please read Jeremiah 1:5 and repent! |
252 | Dolores | H | PA | Do God’s will. |
253 | Jeannine | PA | ||
254 | Jim | T | PA | Election Fraud is verifiably and co-conspirators should be prosecuted. |
255 | Kelly | L | PA | Pastor, seek God’s Word! His truths will be revealed to you! Open your heart, your eyes, your ears to God’s Word and drown out the words of the enemy! I pray that you heed His guidance and lead not your congregates into a den of lies and unrighteous beliefs. You, my dear man, are accountable to your church, be sure what comes out of your mouth can be substantiated by God’s Word! |
256 | Lois | H | PA | All Black Lives Matter! |
257 | Lynn | B | PA | praying day and night for our nation to return to be that one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all amen. |
258 | Mike | G | PA | |
259 | Robert | L | PA | |
260 | Louis | RI | ||
261 | April | D | SC | abortion is a sin and God said so in the Bible. you need to do something about changing your way of life because you’re living a life that is a lie and that is a sin. |
262 | George | M | SC | |
263 | John & Donna | A | SC | |
264 | Justin | SC | ||
265 | Rachel | H | SC | |
266 | Shaun and Lisa | A | SC | |
267 | Lindy-Ann | H | South Africa | |
268 | Michelle | A | T | |
269 | Cathy | B | TN | |
270 | Kelly | B | TN | Every life is made in the image of our creator and every life matters. |
271 | Kelly | B | TN | |
272 | Rachel | M | TN | |
273 | Ralph | T | TN | |
274 | Ryan | B | TN | |
275 | Sandie | TN | ||
276 | Steven | C | TN | |
277 | Teresa | R | TN | |
278 | Alan | G | TX | |
279 | Cathryn | J | TX | All lives matter!!! |
280 | Don | I | TX | |
281 | Don | K | TX | |
282 | Doug | F | TX | |
283 | Jan | O | TX | |
284 | Jane | W | TX | |
285 | Jean | B | Tx | |
286 | Johandra | G | TX | Thank you for the godly counsel you are providing for this great nation |
287 | Kimberly | C | Tx | |
288 | Kristy | TX | ||
289 | Kyle | R | TX | |
290 | Laura | W | TX | |
291 | Lisa | W | TX | |
292 | Lorrie | H | TX | |
293 | Marianne | R | TX | |
294 | Mark | P | TX | |
295 | Matthew | P | TX | |
296 | Monica | G | TX | Thank you for your courage! |
297 | Nativida | EM | TX | We demand you step down from your position. You are misrepresenting the Kingdom of God and the people. |
298 | Oliver | TX | ||
299 | Randy | F | TX | As a Pastor, protect life, protect innocence; every Black life matters |
300 | Ray | W | TX | |
301 | Ronald | C | TX | |
302 | Sean | J | TX | |
303 | Steve | B | TX | Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. |
304 | susan | H | TX | |
305 | William | T | TX | |
306 | Phil | G | UT | |
307 | Amanda | D | VA | |
308 | Carolyn | K | VA | |
309 | David | P | VA | May the Lord God have mercy on us! |
310 | Dawn | T | VA | |
311 | Elizabeth | H | VA | Every black life matters. |
312 | Gloria | L | VA | May you soon acknowledge that Every black life matters. |
313 | Hiwot | VA | ||
314 | Joe | M | VA | God Bless America! |
315 | Kathleen | V | VA | Please stand up for the babies who don’t have a voice. They are precious in God’s sight. Just as there is no such thing as being 3/5 human, there is is no such thing as fetal tissue. A baby in the womb is 100% human just as enslaved Africans were 100% human. The demonic spirit behind the oppression and destruction of humanity is the same, only abortion always intends the murder of the innocent, not solely bondage. You have opportunity to influence many for good and in the manner of Christ to bring good news to the poor and set the captives free. We will all give account to God before Christ without excuse for our acts in this life. I pray for Holy Spirit to give you humility, wisdom and compassion to turn towards the truth to walk a new Way. |
316 | Kathleen | W | VA | |
317 | Mark | C | VA | |
318 | Mike | P | VA | |
319 | Susan | K | VA | |
320 | Victoria | S. | VA | |
321 | Jayne | L | WA | Almighty God, please guide us to a better way to live together here on earth. In name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen. |
322 | Joseph | S | WA | |
323 | Kathleen | L | WA | |
324 | Kurt | R | WA | Without life all other issues are irrelevant |
325 | Mark | C | WA | |
326 | Shavon | E | WA | |
327 | Suzanne | H | WA | |
328 | Suzanne | V | WA | |
329 | Chuck | C | WI | |
330 | Gerald | E | WI | |
331 | Ayesha | K | I am with you 100% | |
332 | Lindsey | T | ||
333 | Margaret | G | Abortion kills babies. How can you support killing children? | |
334 | Randall | B | It’s not complicated. Ask yourself, “what exactly are the unborn?” |
Additional names
Kathleen | M | OR | I just want to add a scripture concerning life |
Bernice | D. | California | |
Ann | B | GA | |
Ronald | C | Texas | |
Tom | Dougherty | NY | |
Danny | B | Oklahoma | |
Helen | MA | ||
Natalie | V. | CA | |
R. | Warnock-Stubbs | GA | |
Donnie | M. | North Carolina | |
David | S. | New York | |
Shaun and Lisa | A | SC | |
Frances | K. | LA | |
Anthony A | Hebert | Florida | The most dangerous place for a Black person is in the womb. |
Terry | Schauer | CA | |
Pat | B. | Ga | |
Michelle | A | T | |
Michael | L | Georgia | |
Mike | M | NY | |
Georgia | S | Nevada | |
Pam | C | Ga | |
Marianne | R | Texas | |
Lindy-Ann | H | SouthAfrica | |
Teresa | Rhodes | TN | |
Sharon | Larson | IL | All lives matter, especially all preborn babies who are the future of the USA. These precious human beings deserve life, not the violent murder of abortion. Please use your political power to protect these precious preborn babies and to assist their mothers in this time of their need. Thank you. |
Mary | W | Ohio | |
Jennifer | D. | GA | |
Amanda | J. | Mississippi | Protect those who cannot protect themselves! All lives matter! |
Lisa | W. | TX | |
Andrew | B | MD | |
Andrew | B | MD | |
Gabriel | M | Washington | Please stand for Life. ” I am the Way the truth and the LIFE, No one comes to the father except through me” John 14:6 |
Laurie | D | Louisiana | |
First | Last | ||
Lois | Hershey | PA | All Black Lives Matter! |
Aaron | M | VA | |
Genevieve | G | California | |
David | L | Ohio | |
Pamela | Hillman | Georgia | Thank you for all you are doing!!!! |
Evelyn | Trostle | PA | |
Yvonne Marie | Durand | calif | |
Michael | Juzwick | Washington | Dear Sirs We must stop the shedding of all innocent blood as God is Lord of all life from conception to the grave. Join my National movement calling all Americans to repent back Under God as He commands us in Acts chapter 17 vss 30 & 31. Order my last eBook & please spread the link so it generates funds to support your ministry ok? Thank you – I will promise all those seeking to get into government to steal & spread corruption. You will soon want to flee from your positions of power. But you will not escape God’s holy Judgment Day of vengeance coming shortly. You best repent instead. my bet regards, Michael Juzwick |
Dana | E | MI | |
Penni | Bulten | Florida | |
Terry | S | CO | |
Holly | S | Vermont | |
Donald | M | Florida | |
Antwan | R | MD | |
Lynette | Duplain | Ohio | |
Cynthia | Schiller | AZ | |
Erin | M | Washington | |
Deborah | M | GA | |
Garland | C | CA | |
Kathy | Boswell | Georgia | I met you at the prayer walk today. Thank you for what you are doing! God bless you! |
Alejandro | F | Mo | |
Stephanie | Demers | New York | |
Robert | Stone | CA | Sadly the silent majority is soon to be silenced if we don’t actively speak out. Thank you for your ministry. |
Michael | Q | TX | Innocent blood is on your hands “Pastor” |
Angel | D | Georgia | |
Scott | W | GA | |
James | Newsome | North Carolina | You will give account to God for this error in conscience. |