
Dallas, TX USA



This list is comprised of concerned citizens who signed on to support EBLM's Open Letter of Commendation to President Trump

The list was last updated on Jan 19, 2021 at 2am PST   
We will update this list as more names come in.

 Tobias-AndersonAKThank-you for your Love of God, Country, and Children. May He always Bless You, Melanie and your family
 GentryALThank you , Mr. President, for all that you have done for this country! I am praying for you!!
BobbyPeoplesAlabamaAlways seek Gods guidance and wisdom in everything you do.   My God always bless you and your family.   Always do whats right in Gods eyes.
 PharrAlabamaDear President Trump, Thank You Sooooo much for all that you’ve done for us. I will always & forever believe that you are the best President we’ve ever had. Don’t give up the fight. We Won’t! You & your family are in my prayers every day. God Bless you & your family.  Maria 
 MillerArizonaMr. President, I commend you for the wonderful job you did for the black community and the religious community  in spite of all the obstruction  and chaos caused you by the Democrats. You never gave up, but continued the battle. I wish you well in your post-president life and may God bless you richly.
 StevensArizonaI stand with Every Black Life Matters in commending and thanking you for your amazing courage to do the right things for Black people in the economic sphere and against the abortion genocide.
 DavisArkansas May God bless you Mr. President! 
 WilliamsAZBest President Ever! We pray for you and your family and Support any efforts you and your family take to continue making America Great AGAIN. God Bless you and Thank you for Every great and kind Deed you did while President of the USA.  Without you, America is GONE.
With admiration and love
AnneBahlCAYou have been the most loyal, effective, and transparent president in my 56 years on this earth. I thank God for you. Anne Bahl
Doug CaseCADear Mr. President:

Thank you for your fearless efforts to protect our rights and sincerity of purpose.  Your accomplishments are most appreciated.  I often think of your courage and smiles in the face of all the evil people who relentlessly resisted your efforts to carry on.   And then I redouble my efforts to explain how much you did for us to the people unaware of the long list of accomplishments.  

Thank you so much,

KamaHearnCaMay God Bless You.
 HsingCAThank you President Trump for caring about every human life!

B. Hsing
 LassiterCATrust in God, He will fight your battles. Thank you for your stand on religious freedom. 
RobLeeCAThank you for everything!🤗
 MartinCAThank you president Trump! You proved yourself to truly care about every American and every race and color! Thank you for enduring the endless corrupt political tactics and fighting to the end!! 
 MurphyCADear President Trump,

Thank you for standing for what is right even when it was unpopular and costly to you and your family. 
 MurphyCAThank you for all you have done for America and the American people.  
 PeroCAThank you President Trump for doing all you can for America, for protecting Life, Liberty and working to erratic racism, religious persecution and exposing evil and corruption (the deep state). We appreciate you and believe you will go down as the greatest president in all history.  We are sorry for how you have been treated and pray for you daily and will continue to pray for your influence and help for America.
MaryRockwellCAThank you for your effort in trying to Make America Great. The obstacles you faced were astronomical, yet you persevered. I  believe you’re the best President this country ever had. I’m praying for justice and the truth to be revealed for those who lied and stole the Presidency.  God bless you and your family.
Mary Rockwell 
Zakiya SullivanCAThank you President Trump for being a powerful voice and influence in America. I praise God for all the ways He used you to govern and lead the greatest Nation in the world. Thank you for standing up for and fighting for the rights of the unborn, religious freedom, security, our military, and America. I will never forget all you have done for us during your 4 years as our President. May God continue to use and bless you and your family.

God bless,

CourtneyTuckerCAThank you for everything you have done.
TerryWildCAThe movement you have started is alive and well in Fresno California and we will Make America Great Again! Again! www.LIberty Terry Wild
 WilsonCAThank you for persevering these last four years when nobody on the left ever gave you an opportunity to carry out your vision.  Just know that even though politicians, media outlets, big pharma, and tech giants fought you at every step, we the people appreciate everything you did.  Your support for God, country, sanctity of life, every American race, and Israel will always be remembered.
MARYBENSONCA – CaliforniaDear President Trump,
Thank you for your sacrificial leadership of  our beloved United States. The cost to you and your family has been great.  But we know from Biblical teaching that those who stand against evil in the world will be asked to endure the resistance of evil forces.  Your bold leadership style that, while bringing the United States back to greatness, brought upon you and your family  abuse and insults, just as our country suffered, more subtly, under prior administrations.  You never compromised your God given strengths, or those of our “Beacon on a Hill.”  You understood what the US was to represent  by God’s grace and power.    You will be esteemed and honored as a bold, courageous  leader, proud to speak the names of God and Jesus.   Your supporters will continue to stand with you, always.  Evil will not prevail.   I believe God has great purposes ahead for you, Mr. President.   May He bless you and your family.   Amen!
Raymond Prince Ca.STILL MY PRESIDENT.!!!                   WE PRAY.!!!   STAY THE COURSE.!!!      WE WON’T STOP, BECAUSE WE KNOW THE TRUTH. !!!                                THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT.!!! 
 DoremnosCalYou are called for such a time as this

Stay close to the Lord

He will support you
 ElliottCalPresident Trump, I truly believe that God put you in the White House for such a time as it was. You have unselfishly done so much for WE THE PEOPLE and I want to thank you. I pray for you each and every day and will continue to do so. God Bless You and your family
 AndrewsCaliforniaThank you for all you have done and endured tirelessly, and often thanklessly, during your term in office. May God bless you and your family for generations to come. And God bless America!
BerdettBevansCaliforniaThank you President Trump. 
 BurdCaliforniaGod bless you, President Trump
TarunMorton CaliforniaMr. President, my family are proud conservative citizens.  I, on the other hand, am a tax paying engineer on a work visa for over 10 years now stuck in a broken immigration system. I’m patiently waiting for the opportunity to become a permanent resident and citizen of this great nation. Thank you for your service, for your efforts to fix immigration, and for giving young conservatives an unapologetic voice again. 
RobertPegramCaliforniaThank you for your tenacity in standing for what is right.
TerrySpellmanCaliforniaThank you for everything you did for the country. You are a great President.
 WellsCaliforniaThank you from the bottom of my heart for bringing so much positivity to the world!
It was so nice to meet you and your family.
I wish you all the happiness!
Sharla Blackham California Thank you Sir for being strong against so much evil. You have given me courage to stand up and be more vocal in values that  strengthen individuals, families and our country.
 BreyerCalifornia Thank you, President Trump, for all you have done for our country.  May God continue to bless you and your family, and keep you protected.  You have truly made America great again!  🙏🏻🙏🏻 For you.
AshShrivastav California  
JGengler CO 
 RinkCOThank you for your faithfulness to  standing up for life, against racism and protecting our country from enemies foreign and domestic.
Bless you!
NStatesCOThank you for standing with Life!
 DurhamConnecticut Thank you, President Trump. We are so grateful for your patriotism, leadership, integrity, and outstanding service. You have been a blessing in times of uncertainty and confusion. The memories you have created for our country inspire pride and dignity.

Thank you, President Trump, and God Bless you and your family, and we will always love you. 
Regina CTThe rewards for your deeds may never be fully recognized on earth, but God sees all.  And He is the only One that really matters. God Bless you and your family.
 SandersonDlThank you Mr. President
PenniBultenFLThe pro-life movement will always remember your stand and work for its cause.  From removing Title X funds from Planned (un)Parenthood and signing an EO protecting the rights of health care workers to not participate in abortions, (many of whom are persons of color), you have also stood for the right of conscience. This also deserves acknowledgement.  Few elected officials deserve accolades for their stands on these issues, only one comes to mind quickly, your friend Senator Rand Paul. Whatever the future holds for you, know that you are fondly regarded by may of us.
 HartmanFLGod bless you President Trump! You are the best President this nation has ever had!
 JacobsonflI just left the Republican Party , and  I apologize for their lack of support, waffling, and general linguini spines. Please continue the fight, as many of us will only vote for you.
 MargaretFLThank you Mr. PRESIDENT,  You will be  remembered as one of the GREATEST PRESIDENTS, since President Lincoln, no matter how the bias press and social media, try to block the truth, history will reveal the truth. Look at Hitler, and North Korea, they were and are completely controlled by their dictators. The people are not allowed free SPEECH. They have no freedom. They do what they are told or suffer the consequences. With the Bias press and Social media, only allowing, what they agree with to be published, they are the worst offenders of Free Speech. Once we allow censorship, we are doomed.  GOD SAVE AMERICA!!
AnthonysaccoFLmay the lord bless u and us, we’re going to  need  him  now more then ever. 
AnneToyFLI am proud of you and your family, may God give you peace from all the awful events that they have tried to cover up all your achievements. We love you. Anne Toy
DavidRulemanFloridaThank you President Trump.  You have excelled as President have become the best leader in my lifetime.  I have been appalled at the disrespect and dishonor of those who have opposed you.  We have kept you and your family in prayer daily and will continue to do so.   May God bless you and your family as you make your home in Florida.  We welcome you here.
PamClementsGaThank you Mr President!
 DaltonGAOur dear President Donald John Trump, I declare God’s  hand is on your life.  Thank you for all that you have done to protect and improve the lives of our Black brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.  Much love and respect and blessings from God Our Father are yours.
 MillerGAThank you, President Trump, for all you have done for the United State of America. I will continue to stand with you and pray!
TeresaPetrosGAYour commitment to protect each and every life, both born and unborn, in America puts you ahead of every other President and will earn you many blessings from God. 
 DGeorgiaPraying for you and your family. 
 WhiteGeorgiaPresident Trump,

Grateful that you care about this country. Especially, those in the womb. I always think if one does not have the value to care about the most innocent of Americans being born then how can they care about and serve other Americans. Proverbs 31: 8-9
KentBorgman IdahoMay God Bless you!
CGearhartILYou have proven yourself to be a man go great courage who loves this country.  Thank you.
Sharon LarsonILThank you for your service.
JPetriILThank you for fighting for the innocents and all lives.
MarisaWinklerILThank You President Trump, you have made We the American people very Proud. Love, Marisa
CharlesCooleyInIn my estimation you’re the greatest president that has ever lived thank you for your service
josephKempfINPres. Trump:   The Progressive Socialists have spent a GREAT deal of time, effort and money to decry you as a Racist and White Supremacist, but thinking Blacks know that you did more for them and their brothers in 4 years than “Progressive” Democrats have done in over 4 decades.  May God bless you for your efforts.
 DealIndianaI would add, thank you for your stand with Israel and the Jewish people, your stand for religious freedom, your stand against tyranny around the world, and for opening yourself to the advise of Christian leaders. I pray you know God fully and pursue Him with all your heart and commit your whole life to Christ. Thank you for standing against the radical leftist agenda and other radical elements in our society along with denouncing white supremacy and violence on all sides. Humble yourself before God and allow Him to transform you into a reflection of Him.
Ralph Romine Indiana 
Judy Stoller IndianaThank you for your incredible dedicated service to our country and our freedoms to Christian values! I believe God still has mighty plans for you!
 Stoller Indiana  
Jaycobcrouse IIIKentucky We stand with you

We must prevail 
AlyceAllenKSI think you have done a great job, especially considering the obstacles you’ve had.
 JohnsonKSWe will always love you, Mr.President, and be thankful to God for all that you have done and will be doing for us and our country.  You have borne much suffering in our name and we want you not to wasted any of it.

Offer your ignominy to God with the infinite merits of our Lord, Jesus, and you will be doing much more than your great policies; you will be saving souls.  You will be saving the soul of America.  Remember, Mr. President, God is always, always, on the side of the underdog.  Although we are experiencing His silence now, like a thief in the night, He will come and undo evil at the wink of an eye.  Jesus is Lord, He reigns supreme, nothing, absolutely nothing can stand in His way.  He is saving you and me, Mr. President, we will be all right.  Go on with your faith and let nothing trouble you.  God alone suffices.
Eden EJohnsonKSEvery night in our dreams
We see you, we feel you
That is how we know you go on
Far across the distance
And spaces between us
You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are
We believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you open the door
And you’re here in our hearts
And our hearts will go on and on
Love can touch us one time
And last for a lifetime
And never let go ’til we’re gone
Love was when we loved you
One true time we’d hold to
In our lives, we’ll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are
We believe that the heart does go on
Once more, you open the door
And you’re here in our hearts
And our hearts will go on and on

You’re here, there’s nothing we fear
And we know that our hearts will go on
We’ll stay forever this way
You are safe in our hearts and
Our hearts will go on and on……
NicholasMckenzieKYYou are the best president we have had, in my lifetime, and my family and I love you.  We wish you the very, very best.  Thanks.
ronbertschKY – Kentucky 
 FlaughLAGod Bless!
PaulaMeyersLaWe believe in you and your plan for our great  United States of Americans.. I know it looks as if we forget the word United but we can get back to it I hope and I believe we will.. thank you for all you do.
GailMorrisLASo glad to see some appreciation for President Trump, with this certificate! I can’t say enough how much I admire him and his family…
 ShererLAGod bless you!! You have made a difference!! Thank-you!!
 KelleyMIThank you president Trump for ALL you have done for the strong and also the vulnerable in our land.  The Dems have used duplicity and subterfuge to achieve their goals.  Although I myself am not Black, I stand with this amazing and heroic group to commend you for all you have done during your Presidency. THANK YOU is not enough to say for standing up for that which is the good and honorable in the face of absolute fascist like intolerance. THANK YOU for being part of the solution, not the problem.  Yes, I also believe the election was stolen and we must work toward never allowing such criminal acts of  thievery to work against the people’s will again. I pray for you and your family, and will continue to do so in the future. If you need me call on me, as I have supported you in the past. God Bless You and keep you Always.
Michael W. Kelley
CalvinPrittieMIThank You Mr President! History will show that you have done more than any other president in our country to help my brothers and sisters!
 KruseMichiganGod bless you and thank you so much for standing with the people¸  Will always  remain MAGA!!!!
MaryRebstockMichiganThank you for your years of service.  
 GordonMichigan Thank-you for your courage and belief in the people of America whom you have so valiantly served!!
 MotuelleMichigan Thank you for your steadfast support of the Constitution, and for standing up to the enemies of our Great Country, both foreign and domestic.

I would also like to thank our beautiful First Lady, her soft, calm demeanor spoke volumes in the face of the despicable attacks that she endured.

Mr President, you and your family were treated horribly, and although I had nothing to do with it, I still feel that I owe you an apology on behalf of a portion of the Country who have lost their way. I pray that they somehow find their way back.

Again, thank you Mr President for the sacrifice you have made for for our Country. 
Reggie Fenn Mississippi Thanks for everything that you have done even though the left has fought you all the way! Cover your family and you ass!!
 AllenMissouriThank you for all you have done.

Blessings to you and your family
 Brandtmissouriproud of you President Trump for what you have accomplished in the last 4 years keep America Great Again  for 4 more years
 AndersonMNPraying for the will of God to be upheld in our nation and His Spirit to convict and lead those who are called (and expected) to JUSTLY serve. Your efforts to lead this country continue and are appreciated by SO MANY who yearn for unbiased Truth.
JamesCockramMNThank you for all you and your family has done for this country. You have been treated very poorly… undeservedly so. May God bless you, your wife, your children and family and may He protect us all in the days ahead.
 FaligMoMr. President, I’m a Christian Pacific islander and I want you to know that your actions which promote the Christian faith did good fo all Americans and I commend you for that.
You have persevered throughout your term of office against all the attacks hurled against you, and I commend you for that.
Thank you Sir. Keep the faith and the Lord be with you and your family. 
 SparksMOThank you for all you have done for life.
 StallingMOThank you so much for all the wonderful effort you have made to preserve our Republic. God bless you, President, the best President of the USA not only in my lifetime, but the best among all 44. You DID win this election by a landslide!
JoannaIsheeMSYou are the most patriotic President ever. You actually love your country and people in it and are proud to be an American . You made a difference. I dearly love you and your family. 4 more years now and forever if I had my choice 
AmandaJ.MSI just want to express my gratitude to you and your family for sacrificially serving our country and putting Americans first. You have endured endless persecution on our behalf. I will be forever grateful! God bless you and yours!
HermanStanfordMSThank you!
 TscherterMSi want you to  know i have stood by you and for you and your attemp to make   our a better place for all americans.
 BennettNCThank you for standing for preborn babies, for our religious rights & freedoms, for standing up for Israel & recognizing her right to claim Jerusalem her holy city, for making America Great.  Thank you for four years of standing against the evils the Democrats wish to push upon us & all their personal & unfounded attacks against you & your family.   Thank you for all you have done…
 EllisNCThank You For 4 Great Years But I Want 4 More.
Keep Being Your You Are A Great Man.
 LewisNCGod bless you, Mr. President. I shudder to think of what will become of our great country without your leadership.
 RoweNCThank you for four wonderful years leading our country as the best President of the United States in my lifetime.  I wish you were to serve for four more years.  Hopefully you will be re-elected in 2024.  May God bless you tremedously.
 Walkup Jr.NC 
 NebraskaThank you for sacrificing everything because you wanted to help our nation. Thank you for helping the poor and downtrodden with actual solutions. I’m so sorry for the lies that have been told about you and pray that truth will be revealed so loudly that no one can ignore it. We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. I pray that Jesus shows himself to you in a way that is remarkable. He loves you so much and I pray that you can rest in His protection and salvation. This has been the hardest year due to my husband being ill starting in November 2019 and then the virus has kept us separated most of the year. Our daughters are 7 and 8 1/2 and haven’t seen there father since March 23, 2020. Unfortunately our family has just been a pawn to be used by the Democrats so they could do whatever they could to destroy our nation and blame you. Thank you that during this most desperate time of my life, I knew that not only God was fighting for me, but that you and your people were fighting to expose the truth and to hold those responsible for the devastation caused. Enjoy your family and time with your children and grandchildren, but I know you won’t be able to sit still for long. I look forward to see how to are going to keep shaking up the world. Psalm 2
 McLeanNevadaU are one of the Great POTUS this nation has ever had and will have again either (miraculously) if the truth is yet revealed of the “steal” or come the next election assuming the radical left hasn’t completely destroyed our nation by then! 
PGNew Jersey 
JoeBeyhlNew YorkMr. President  You were Right Along. These Socialist Liberal Democrat’s were not out to get you as Much as they wanted to get US Let’s Hope the Country Wakes Up Soon before these Commies,( That’s Right Commies Because a Person who calls themselves a Socialist is nothing more then a Commie who is Afraid to admit it )Destroy this GREAT NATION.  GOD BLESS YOU, AMERICA and Every REAL AMERICAN in it
AHNew YorkYour policies have been a blessing for our now-troubled nation. Thank you.
 KippNew YorkI, want to thank you for all you have done for this GREAT COUNTRY. To bad the DEMS couldn’t see there way to help you instead of bucking you at every turn and make you out to be the bad guy. In my opinion they were against you because no one owned you, by that I, mean no big company, or oil cartel. You were your own man. Just wished you were my COMMANDER and CHIEF SIR. But I, was stuck with JOHNSON as well as my brothers and sisters in ARMS. So once again THANK YOU and GOD BLESS you and your family.
 KruetzNew YorkThank You for tying to protect the most vulnerable. Always do the next right thing. I know people are fickle but be humble, set your eyes on Jesus and do not tire of doing good. 
TheresaDiFrancescoNjDear President Trump,

Thank you for all you have done for our Country!

Never forget all the great accomplishments you have achieved!

I will keep you in my prayers!

God Bless you and God Bless America!!!

Theresa DiFrancesco
 GalloNJThank you for being loyal to the American people and for all the good you have done for this country.
CarolynReichowNmKeep you head held high and thank for all you have done for your country,!
AdamTipperyNorth CarolinaSir,

I am a US Army Chaplain, husband, and father of 4 children. I appreciate and commend your care for children of all ethnicities no matter what!! God bless you and we will continue to stand with you!
LindseyTipperyNorth CarolinaYou have stood strong for so many Christian values that both honor the personhood of each individual and honor God. May God make His face to shine upon you in the coming years. May you live in His peace and joy. God bless you. 
 TysingerNorth CarolinaThank you for all you did for this country. I am saddened it ended the way it did. God Bless you and your family. 
 BebeeNYEverything you’ve done for our country is not in vain, no matter how others try to make it seem that way.  Thank you forever. 
 HammNYI pray for you and our troubled nation. God bless.
 LutzNYI greatly appreciate everything you have done the last four years in office to restore and promote righteousness, life, and justice in the U.S.  Your stand and efforts have not been in vain.  I pray you personally know the God, through the person of Jesus Christ, whose moral standard you have been defending.  I am continuing to pray for you and your family.  Thank you.  God bless you. 
 MitchellNYGod bless you Sir!! I have never so proud of anyone as I have of you! I’m 76 years old,have seen alot,been scared of the future of our country thru so many Administrations but know this for 4 beautiful, wonderful  years I slept at night knowing our country was safe and in good hands!! Thank you for all you have accomplished. History will be very kind to you!God bless you,our beautiful First lady and your family!I love you Sir!!
 BernieOHI voted for you and I stand with you!
 GilesOHThank you for being the most Pro-Life President in His-Story.
You Sir have saved countless lives.
Keep your Faith and may God continue to Bless You and Your Family.
 GrahamOHThank you for all you did for us as a Nation. You kept your word. No other President has done that!
MelvinHallOHThank you for your time office sincerely MJH
KEVINLANGEROHYou are Truth and Excellents in Action !!!
RichardSmithOHGood job as president. You included everyone in your plans for America.
 CoganOhioThank you for ALL you accomplished! Will miss you!! Go enjoy your life & family
Larry and PaulaBakerOKIn your own way you have given “we the people” the opportunity to begin the dismantling and correcting of our country’s deep-state bureaucracy beginning with the Republican Party.  With this we greatly thank you and will long remember you and your pro-life and pro-family and pro-capitalism and pro-law and pro-order and pro-judicial and pro-Israel and pro-religious-freedom and pro-American convictions.
Larry and PaulaBakerOKThank you.  We love you.
 RobertsonOKTo my Commander and Chief declare Marshal Law and correct the fraud.
 TeelOKYou have done a tremendous job.  I’m sorry things had to be so rough for you, but we love you and will keep you and your family in our prayers.
 GehrkeOklahomaThank you Mr President
You are the greatest president in my lifetime if not in the history of this United States
BeverlyButtreyOklahoma Praying for you, Mr. President. 
Anne-Marie MayONTARIOWell Done good and faithful servant!
SimonEvangelist OregonThank you for everything you’ve done. Thanks for being the bull in the China shop that have awoken the great people of the US to seeing how great America is and will be. Thank you for exposing the Deep State politicians and showing us how useless the establishment is on both sides. That we need new ones with the values and ideas that represent what We The People actually are. America First. 
 KeilOregonThank you for all you have done as president.  You will be missed!
BrianMillerOregonPresident Trump,
We appreciate your recognition that all lives are created equal and that every black life matters. We appreciate your commitment to upholding the value of every life from conception to the natural end of life. We also appreciate your efforts to making sure that every life has an opportunity to be lived to the full extent that they were created for.
Thank You and may God bless you,
SLTotmanOregonThank you for your service, Mr. President.
JacquelineDooleyPAMay God Bless You and Your Family, President Trump,  and May God Bless America.
johneshlemanPAI also appreciate the cutting of  taxpayer funding to around 900 planned parenthood groups . We taxpayers have no business having to pay for abortions especially when we view them as sinful.thanks
JonHodgePAThank you for four great years.
 HorvathPAThank you for believing and standing by the pro life movement and affirming that every life matters. Especially preborn black lives.
 SPAPresident Trump,

Thank you for your support and efforts to protect every life and for standing firm against racism.

God bless you!
 Black PennsylvaniaDear President Donald J. Trump, you have demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt the command of Jesus Christ in John 15:13-17.
You have laid everything on the line for the sake of the nation.
You are a man after God’s own heart as King David of Israel.
May the Lord bless you more and more, you and your family, Amen.
RandallKreiserPennsylvaniaThank you President Trump for Making America Great Again.  You have accomplished far more in four years than any president in this century with far more interference by your opposition.
 KellerPennsylvania Dear President Trump,

Thank you for standing strong AGAINST all corruption, and FOR all of “We, the People”. Never concede, Sir. We’ve got your back!

Thank you!!!
RachelHollisSCThe country was much better with someone who fears God and loves America. Please stay safe! God bless you, and God bless America 
AmbikaDharanSingaporeThe Lord gave you as a gift to the US at a time of great crisis. With His help, you accomplished a great deal. You will be among the few of The Great Presidents the nation was blessed to have. God Bless You!!
GurmailKaurSingaporeDear President Trump, I look forward to see you as the president of the next term starting 2021!
 AbelySouth CarolinaThank you so much Mr. President for all you have done for the people of the United States of America, both the born and the unborn.  May your life and the lives of all your family be Blessed, fortified, and protected.   
 WSouth dakota 
 BarronTennesseeGod bless you for your efforts to Make America Beautiful again! You, your family and staff are in our prayers and I  want to let you know that we have faith that God will inter vein  in your efforts along with prayer, that you may run for president of the United States and run our country with the wisdom and love you have shown us. God bless you President Trump. The Barron Family
Dr. Steve Banks TexasPresident Trump: You have fought harder and done more for the American People than any president since Lincoln. And all while under attack from a deceitful media, a Marxist government, and a global pandemic. God bless you, Sir. And keep fighting the good fight! In Christ, Steve Banks. 
RonaldChuTexasThanks for the good fight for our country, stand up against the ideology of the Left, and awaken the world of the threat of Communist China. You are the best president this great country ever has. May God bless you and your beloved ones, may you walk close to God and receive grace and protection from our Savior Jesus Christ.
 JohnstonTexasThank you for listening and standing up for those of us who are the average working Americans.  You have redefined the Republican Party.  Hopefully, the  never- Trumpers (RINO’S) will get the message and either change their ways or retire.
JeffreyMorganTexasThank you for fighting for us. 
BeckiUlmerTexasThank you for loving the unborn. You are the most pro life president and decent people love you!
ChristiHiffmanTexas Thank you for your service for the American people. Do not grow weary in doing good, President Trump. We cannot lose if we are on God’s side. 
 B.TNThank you  for helping turn this country away from the grips of socialism.
 StanleyTNThank you for what you have done to help our country!!
 SontheimerTN.We are praying and fighting for you.
O TXThank you President Trump, for not getting us into another war.  Shifting our economy to fight China’s soft power spreading across the world, if anyone doubts that please ask a native of Hong Kong, or Indian or Taiwanese or Australian person. Those people may be able to tell you from first experience the aggression from China.  Thank you for getting us out of the Paris accord, where we were being forced to reconstruct our economy but China got a pass. The platinum plan, the border security, we saw many pedophiles in Hollywood like Jeffery Upstien and Harvey Weinstein getting what they deserve during your administration, did anyone know about this during the Obama administration?  No president is prefect, there are flaws to everyone. I am just thankful for the good during this administration. And hope that the good continues to fight evil in general. Be strong in Jesus Christ.
God bless
 EibanTXVery proud of the work your family and you have done! Stay with us!  You are a true patriot!  I pray that some day the truth comes out….

Thank you for your service!
 HarperTXThank you Sir for your committed fight for Americans and family values and protecting us from foreign takeover.   I am ashamed of the denial and refusal to observe or hear blatant proof of the criminal theft of  office by the left….even when they admitted it.  Prayers and love for you and your family Sir.
MaryHenryTXThank You, Mr. President,  follow and embrace the truth.  Jesus will win this battle for you and the World.
 OsborntxThank you for your service to our country and to the American people. You are loved and will never be forgotten. Trump 2024!
 PayneTXThank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry for what has happened to you. May God bless you for all that you have done.
APfiesterTxBest President ever!
 RazillasTXKeep up the good work, i’m behind you.
 SanchezTXDear President Trump,
Thank you for your faithful, courageous service. You have demonstrated true integrity and resolve to make every life better in the greatest nation on earth. God bless you. 
 StricklanTXYou are the greatest President ever!!  By far!
 ThrowerTXGod Bless You Sir.  Your the Best President in my lifetime an since the 1776 Revolution

We must make the  fraudulent electors and people including high ranking Democrats pay with prison time or Treason penalties.   We are not FREE anymore.   Monopoly by media an big tech hid everything you did an praised the thieving Democrats

Signed a True American Patriot 
 WallaceTXThank you so much for standing with all Americans and fighting with all you had for us for four long years. You are greatly appreciated sir. May God bless your future endeavors. 
 NappaUnited States of America 
MichelleSepulvedaUNITED STATES OF AMERICAPresident Trump I want to express my appreciation for your hard work over the last 4 years, made even harder due to the Democrats fighting with you on a daily basis, you persisted through it all for us the people of America.
I and 75+millions of your supporters are devastated that the 2020 election was stolen from you due to the cheating scams from the left. We know you are the true winner, if the courts had been just they would have allowed your attorneys to present all the evidence and affidavits from the poll workers they had. This makes me believe that our courts are not trust worthy.
I pray you will still be able to run for President once again in 2024.

God Bless you and your family,

Michelle Sepulveda
a true supporter
TheresaRodriguezUtahThank You for putting yourself and your family at risk… I know you stepped between all of us Americans and harm. You already have my vote in 2024 if you choose to run… or, If not, Donald Jr does.
LannieFinanVAThank you  President Trump for your courage and determination to make all lives matter, especially our black brothers and sisters.
We love you and the First Lady and pray for you both daily.
May justice and truth prevail and our blessed country hold on to its Biblical Principles as Our Founding Fathers have ordained.  God Bless you and Melania and May God continuously protect you both.

Lannie Finan, Chesapeake, VA
 MitchellVAThe election was stokwn from the best president America has ever had. I’m so disappointed the Republican Party had not stood behind you. Makes you wonder what the Democrates have in them doesn’t it? Stand tall Mr. President, the true American people are appreciative of all you’ve done. We love you.
DavidPegramVAGod bless you – for 4 more years!!
 VaughnVAThank you for having the integrity to do what you said you would, the conviction to advance policies that honor God, and the courage to unflinchingly stand against pressure and attempts at intimidation from men. 
 ColeyVirginia Thank you for keeping your campaign promises to the American people.  May up and your family be Blessed by God.
 CopelandWAThank you for your sacrifice for the America people, hopefully everyone will catch on to the America First theme eventually and realize that you did more for America than any president in history.
ShavónEnglishWAThank you, President Trump, for standing against those who want to terminate the unborn.

Shalom and may the true and loving God bless you and your family!
 HuntWADear President Trump:

You have been a great President these past 4 years. I will always stand with you and pray for you and your family.

Take care,

Nancy Hunt
 MyhreWADear Mr. President,
     God’s rich blessings were on America because you stood in the gap and fought for those who did not have a voice.  Micah 6:8.
Thank you,
Barbara Myhre
 PrinsWA Thank you to the best president ever!  Thank you for the tireless work you have done for all Americans defending our Constitution and our freedoms and championing patriotism and love of country.  Your accomplishments are  a mile long, the  economy, jobs, energy independence, support of religious freedom here and abroad, a champion of law and order supporting the blue, unprecedented peace agreements and support of Israel. I would hate to think where we as a country would be without you as president when Covid hit.  You have always sought to instill hope instead of fear.   God put you in the presidency for such a time as this. 
I also want to thank your lovely family who has worked so tirelessly for our  country as well.  You are all in my prayers every day and will be in the days to come.
The Lord bless and keep you all,
Joan Prins
 RWAThank you for being a President of action!
 SWAThank you for being the most prolife President .
P JUlanderWAGod bless you, President Trump, thank you for your great leadership and courageous service working to protect the security, opportunities and Constitutional rights of every American in the USA.
ByronBlaumanWashingtonThank you President Trump for your strong commitment towards the citizens of the United States of America.  I live in Washington State, and am a public school math teacher (non-union).   I want you to know, that I have voted for you in both elections and support your policies you implemented to help forgotten Americans.  You have sacrificed much to be our President.  I wish you and your family the very best in the coming years.
 HarrisWashingtonThank you president Trump for your love of this country and your hard work of keeping your promises. You have been the best president in my 70 year lifetime. We need more honest people like you. I hope the rino republicans are ousted one of these election cycles and hope more people in this country wake up to the corruption and dishonesty that has been going on for years. And especially the corrupt elections.

Thank you

Karen Harris
 HerringtonWashingtonTHANK YOU and God bless you!!!
 JussilaWashingtonTHank you!!
JerryPackWashingtonThank you President Trump!
SharonPackWashingtonWe will miss you! Thank you so much for all the things you did the past 4 years to help our country be great again.
 SweetWashington I thank you for everything you have done for the citizens of this country. You put yourself in the line of fire for us. Just as you have said in the past, they are coming after you for fighting for us. I Thank you Mr. President.
 ChronisWIThank you. 
WGuzzettaWIThank you for your leadership and commitment to our Constitution and all Americans!
 RileyWIThanks for safeguarding our southern border from illegal aliens !!!
aprildoyle Thankyou so much Mr. President for everything you have done for this kind of thing. It was so great of you. Not many people will stand up and do what is right anymore but you did.  This is so great what they are doing and I hope they continue with it because every black life does matter. 
Nell and PaulMassion We certainly enjoy and respect all that Pres. Trump has done for the black citizens of our great America.  May God continue to watch over you and all of us and our beloved Pres. Trump.  Thank you for all you are doing, have done and will continue to do.  God bless you and our beloved America.
PatriciaRuch We love you and want you back.  

Additional names - after deadline

KristianJonholtALNorwegians support you President Trump. 
LoisShannonPAAs a family we appreciate all you have done for every black family to present them with opportunity zones to share in the American Dream.  We honor you as our president for really caring for the average citizen of this country. God bless an keep you!
DebSFloridaNever give up!  
TimothyHTnI will always appreciate your courage to stand up against the oppressors of the People. 
DorothyThorntonALThank you for the fight if there were More men like you running our government we would be fine but as we All alowed the government take over right in front of us i just want you to know thay we did vote our president in and it wasn’t the crook biden.please don’t GIVE up on us thank you
DavidTaylorIowaThank you for standing for every black life and standing against Planned Parenthood. 
MarlaKKentucktyDear President Trump
I also commend you for all you have done for Right To Life and your support to protect the lives of babies and the dignity of human life.  I pray for God’s blessing on you and your family and hope that as a citizen of this great country you will continue to help lead the fight to protect all life.  Thank you for serving us as our president.  Although it is not being told you have done so much for our country and its people.  God Bless
JonathanSotosIlThank you for addressing injustices and disadvantages of Black Americans during your presidency.
terryschauerCAWe’ve been privileged to have you as our President.  
KalvinSidCAThank you so much for your sacrifice of your last 4 years for this country. I think you did an amazing job at a great sacrifice to your own reputation and personal net worth that I can’t begin to understand. You were treated by the media and nation in a way that you don’t deserve. I may not have agreed with everything you did or said but I fully respect all that you did for our country. God bless you Mr. Trump!
MelissaMcCurryFLThank you, Mr. President, for all that you have done for ALL Americans over the last 4 years.  I am so sorry for all that you’ve had to endure, but your supporters know that NO ONE else could have survived what’s been heaped upon you!  I am so proud to have called you my President!  You truly had the very best intentions for America, and did all you could , which ended up being a ton, to restore America .  Much love to you and your family!  My family and I will continue praying for you each day. 
Mary KayRileyILThank you for all you have done for our Country and for the  defense of life for all, born and unborn!
StephenRubinFloridaWe will miss you
GMartinWashington Thank you for standing with the American people.
LarryGoodwinOhioMr President I thank you for the four years you served All of America. And work hard to do everything you said you would when you first run. I know it wasn’t easy with the people that was fighting you.  Thank you for being the best ever President in America.

Larry Goodwin
KendylJamesOhioThank you for all you’ve done and all you’ve had to endure for the past four years. I’ll never forget your patriotism and pride for America. God bless you and your family!
JYOHDear President Trump and First Lady,  Thank you for all you have done for this country over the past four years. God Bless and protect you and your family. 
Charlie and lindaWongCalifornia 
veronaewingOhioI think that a lot of your followers ,and the people that love you, would love to see you try and get some—if not ALL  of the salary that you could have received while you were taking so much HELL from the enemy with in !!!  I would think that the LORD would want you to receive it because you sure have earned every penny of it !!!!
LauraEllestadWyomingThank you Mr. President for the best 4 years America has seen for quite sometime.  See you in 4 years!! Cannot be soon enough!