
Dallas, TX USA



Trump Attackers are NOT Hypocrites

Written by Neil Mammen, Executive VP, Every Black Life Matters.

By Neil Mammen

Nobody ever said Trump was perfect. As I noted, of course, he’s no saint, no Billy Graham. But he may be an adulterous David, a Solomon, a power-hungry Cyrus, a self-aggrandizing Nebuchadnezzar. And since we do not know what the future will bring, we must remain ever vigilant—and we are with Trump.

The “Not Hypocrites”

It could be that one Christian friend on Facebook or elsewhere who suddenly starts attacking Trump. Or someone shares a sermon from some pastor you’ve never heard of before, saying his conscience compels him to speak out—only to launch into an attack on Trump. Or it could be that famous celebrity pastor who has been silent for years and then suddenly starts talking about politics. It always amazes me to see individuals who call themselves Christians suddenly show up and hurl accusations at President Trump, labeling him a dictator, heartless, and unloving. How should we respond.

Well first, don’t fall for the diatribe, these critiques ring hollow because these same voices were conspicuously silent during President Biden’s four-year tenure, a period marked by policies that directly contradicted Christian values and inflicted harm on countless innocents.

The Atrocities Under the Biden Administration

Understand me clearly—these folks are not hypocrites, they are not confused, they are not imbeciles, nor simple-minded, or merely swayed by their tribe. They are intentional, deliberate liars, specifically trying to deceive others. These frauds decry Trump’s demeanor and rhetoric, accusing him of boastfulness and authoritarian tendencies. Yet they were conspicuously mute during an administration that did exactly what God clearly says He hates. And let’s get this out of the way now, and I’ll come back to it later, no I don’t think Trump is a saint.

No, these pastors and “Christians” are not hypocrites—that would be far too generous. They are deceivers who don’t serve God. They serve power. They serve the agenda of those who want to erase everything good, true, and sacred. They serve the evil one. They want to twist morality until right and wrong are so distorted that people stop resisting evil altogether. That’s their game. They want you to see Trump as the villain so you don’t notice what they were complicit in. They need you distracted so you don’t ask why they were silent while Biden’s government trampled on everything holy.

Let me explain how I got here
For four years, Biden’s people ensured that parents lost their rights. They told mothers and fathers they had no say in whether their children were taught to hate their own country, deny biology, or even mutilate themselves. They put boys in girls’ sports, locker rooms, and showers. They allowed grown men to steal trophies, scholarships, dreams, and safety from women. They stood by as men who claimed to be women smashed real women’s skulls in sports and called it “progress.” And what did these so-called Christians say while the weak suffered under the strong? Nothing.

For four years, these so-called Christians let the most depraved elements of society gain power. They silently allowed libraries to hold drag shows for children and stocked pornography on their shelves. They by their silence supported schools that hid students’ “gender transitions” from their own parents while the government attempted to force Christian doctors to perform sex-change surgeries. They let Biden sign bills that stripped religious institutions of their rights. They let counties shut down churches and levy fines of up to $2.8M on churches that dared to stay open. They backed policies that allowed the government to take children away from parents who refused to call their son a girl. That’s the evil they stood by and allowed.

For four years, they watched as Biden’s government made it easier to kill babies—right up to the moment of birth. They saw him repeal every protection Trump put in place to stop taxpayer-funded abortions. They let him force Christian employers to pay for abortion coverage. They said nothing while abortion clinics raked in money, trafficking in death, tossing dead babies in the trash. They are so twisted that they think Trump’s past sins are worse than killing babies at precisely the right stage to harvest their organs for profit. Then to make things worse, in prior years they watched as Kamala Harris didn’t go after the butchers that sold the baby parts but instead targeted the two reporters who exposed these horrific crimes. As my beautiful wife so articulately asks, what in Trump’s administration or demeanor is equivalent to the actual harvesting and murder of babies? Give me one thing!

Trump the Dictator?

These pastors and “Christians” were silent as Biden unleashed the full power of the FBI and DOJ on Christians—yet they call Trump a dictator. They let pro-life activists be dragged from their homes in front of their children, thrown in jail for praying outside abortion clinics. They let churches be targeted for refusing to bow to the woke religion. They allowed Christian teachers to be fired for not using someone’s made-up pronouns. And still, they said nothing.

They remained silent when the government pressured social media to censor Christians—something only dictators do—yet they call Trump a dictator. They said nothing when Biden’s HHS effectively banned the use of Ivermectin and HCQ for COVID-19—something only a dictator would think he had the power to do. Death rates in countries that regularly use Ivermectin were ten times lower than in the U.S. yet Biden’s HHS and his murderous NIH threatened doctors licenses if they even prescribed Ivermectin as a last-minute attempt to save lives. Only a dictator would disregard his own people’s suffering to ensure drug companies made billions on an untested vaccine. Yet they say Trump is the dictator? No, they are not ignorant—that’s far too generous.

And yet they have the audacity to pretend that Trump is the dictator when he’s cutting government power and returning it to the states? They want to act like he’s the problem? They want to make his words more offensive than his opponents’ actions? No. I refuse. I won’t play their game, and you shouldn’t either.

They know exactly what they’re doing.
They aren’t making a mistake. They aren’t blind. They are servants of darkness, pushing evil while pretending to be righteous. And now, because they see Trump as a threat to their power, they want to make Christians feel guilty for supporting him. They want to shame you into submission. They want to manipulate you into believing that standing against evil is somehow wrong because Trump isn’t perfect.

Nobody ever said Trump was perfect. As I noted, of course, he’s no saint, no Billy Graham. But he may be an adulterous David, a Solomon, a power-hungry Cyrus, a self-aggrandizing Nebuchadnezzar. And since we do not know what the future will bring, we must remain ever vigilant—and we are with Trump.

But here’s the truth—Trump isn’t the one enabling this country’s destruction. He isn’t selling children to the highest bidder. He isn’t forcing Christians to bow to the woke agenda. He isn’t making it impossible for families to live out their faith.

In Conclusion

Let me summarize, in short and you should cut and paste this part in response to each of them if you can’t post this entire article: Trump didn’t weaponize the FBI against parents. Trump didn’t force taxpayers to fund abortion and child mutilation. Trump didn’t open the borders to millions of criminals who proceeded to kill and rape and traffic children. Trump didn’t put men in girls’ locker rooms. Trump didn’t erase women’s sports. Trump didn’t push CRT and DEI (in fact he stopped them). Trump didn’t take Christian parents’ rights away. Trump didn’t ban Christians from running their businesses according to their faith. Trump didn’t flood schools with sexually explicit materials. Trump didn’t endorse and promote Godless antibiblical LGBTQI+ doctrines. But Biden and his minions did and they never said a word.

No, I don’t buy the lies, and you shouldn’t either. Call them out to their faces. They are not Hypocrites. They are evil. Being nice to the minions of the evil one is not the same as being nice to lost souls. Don’t give them an inch. Let them know their gig is up. Anyone who supports harvesting and selling baby parts is no Christian, they are Baal worshipers. May God give them their just rewards.


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