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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stop Persecuting Pastor Artur Pawlowski!

Written by Co-Founder, Kevin McGary

By Kevin McGary

It is crucial to recognize that Pastor Pawlowski‘s actions stem from a genuine desire to serve his community and ensure the well-being of his congregation. His dedication to his faith and his community is admirable and should not be met with punitive measures that impede his ability to fulfill his spiritual duties.


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 Stop Persecuting Pastor Artur Pawlowski!


Calgary, Alberta – August 18, 2023 – Today, Every Black Life Matters (EBLM), a leading African American organization focused on helping all citizens maintain their Unalienable Civil Rights, hereby demands that the Canadian government stop persecuting Pastor Artur Pawlowski

 Pastor Pawlowski is an immigrant pastor in Calgary, Canada, who has been outspoken in his criticism of extreme COVID-19 public health measures. This resulted in the Canadian government denying his free speech and religious freedoms; he is being persecuted and prosecuted with an impending long-term jail sentence of over ten years. Pastor Pawlowski has been arrested and charged several times for upholding his Biblical convictions to gather and pray as the Bible commands.

 Kevin McGary, EBLM Founder and President, said Pawlowski‘s prosecution violates his unalienable rights to religious freedom of expression (and assembly) and speech (generally). It is crucial to recognize that Pastor Pawlowski‘s actions stem from a genuine desire to serve his community and ensure the well-being of his congregation. His dedication to his faith and his community is admirable and should not be met with punitive measures that impede his ability to fulfill his spiritual duties.

 EBLM stands by unalienable rights to freedom of religion, as it is the cornerstone of national and international laws. Pastor Pawlowski‘s actions reflect his sincere commitment to his religious beliefs. He has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to his congregation. He has tirelessly worked to provide spiritual guidance and support, especially during these times of extreme global challenges (pandemic, economic chaos, threats of global tyranny).

 The Canadian government must respect and protect Pastor Pawlowski‘s actions in conducting religious services and gatherings, not prosecute him for it. Worshiping and gathering for religious purposes is a fundamental human right that should not be infringed upon.

 Pastor Pawlowski has not been charged with inciting violence or hatred, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects his speech. The Canadian government is setting a dangerous precedent by prosecuting people for their political speech. EBLM rebukes the Canadian government for these abusive and intolerant actions.

 We call on the Canadian government to drop all charges against Pawlowski and to respect his right to freedom of speech. We also call on American pastors to stand in solidarity with Pawlowski and to speak out against the persecution of religious freedom in Canada.

 Executive Vice President Neil Mammen said: If American Pastors do not work to stop the persecution of Pastor Pawlowski in Canada, it could come to the United States. Canada has a law against it, just like we do. Who is going to stand up for righteousness? We must stand up for the right of all people to speak freely and gather freely for religious services, regardless of their political beliefs.

Articles from Kevin McGary

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Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) stands against all acts of evil and injustice. Irrespective of the “reason,” (i.e., lack of training, “racism,” lax hiring policies, poor psychological screenings, etc.), excessive force that prompts acts of police brutality is unjust. Evil acts committed by people trusted with tremendous power and authority are unacceptable and must be confronted and corrected. We pray all officers involved in Tyre’s death will receive their due maximum punishment. We also pray for the Nichols family and friends as they endure this sudden unnecessary loss, deep sorrow, and extreme grief.

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