
Dallas, TX USA



Truth is everything

Truth and Justice

Truth is everything


At Every Black Life Matters, we stand firm in our commitment to justice, equity, and the sanctity of every Black life. Our mission is rooted in advocating for policies and practices that uphold human dignity, promote educational choice, support fatherhood initiatives, and foster non-violence. We confront the injustices that have historically plagued Black communities, challenging both the overt and covert systems that perpetuate racial inequities.

Our blog, “Truth and Justice,” is a platform dedicated to amplifying the stories, struggles, and triumphs of those who champion these values. Here, we delve into the critical issues affecting Black lives, shedding light on the systemic challenges and celebrating the resilience and achievements of our communities.

Join us as we explore topics that matter, share insightful analyses, and call for actionable change. Together, we strive to create a future where justice is not just a dream, but a reality for every Black life.

Unraveling Valentine’s True Universal Story

Valentine’s day is believed to have originated from a combination of ancient Roman and Christian traditions. There is a close association with an old Roman festival called Lupercalia, commemorated from February 13th to 15th.

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Frederick Douglass: A Lion of Abolition

This boldness  not only enabled him to read and write, which was forbidden for slaves during that time, but also empowered him to become a powerful tool against slavery. The will power it took for Douglass  to liberate himself by escaping to freedom in 1838 to the North,  was later harnessed to ignite a fervent abolitionist movement that swept across the nation.

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Cosmopolitan Magazine Runs Article About Satanic Abortion| The Epoch Times

TST’s website states that TST is a religious organization that provides abortion health care. Mr. Mammen said that providing a service to abort babies has nothing to do with religion or health care.

Mr. Mammen said that since the beginning of time, medical care has never been about killing anything. The Hippocratic Oath for doctors includes doing no harm. This is not only an issue about the fetus but also an issue about women.

He said that most women who’ve gone through abortions have experienced trauma years later, and it’s not short-term trauma; it’s long-term trauma. In fact, there are entire counseling organizations dedicated to counseling women who are suffering post-traumatic stress from an abortion way back in their youth.

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DEI Dilemmas Abound: Let’s Attempt to Make Sense Out of Nonsense!| The Epoch Times

DEI-driven activists are reimagining medical practice to deliver healthcare depending upon a patient’s race, sex, gender, and rank on the “oppressor” scale. Patients are treated or not treated based upon their race, ethnicity, religion, sex, gender identity, social class, ability, immigration status, and more. How does that make sense? Measuring a patient’s political-social worthiness cannot be the doctors’ job when healthcare is needed.

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We are proud to share that our advocacy and insights have gained recognition on prominent websites. This section showcases articles where Every Black Life Matters has been featured, reflecting our ongoing efforts to champion justice, equality, and the empowerment of Black communities. Explore these highlighted pieces to see how our mission resonates across various platforms and join us in spreading the message of hope and transformation.

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