
Dallas, TX USA



By Neil Mammen

My Church Finder ( will help you find a Church that genuinely fills the Biblical and Spiritual needs of your family and community. It identifies Pastors and Churches aligned with the simple, pure, and unadulterated Gospel of Jesus, who activity teach about the dangers of WOKEISM and who are working to change our nations laws to line up with God’s Moral laws.

“Wokeism” and Marxism are antithetical to the Gospel. 

The intersection of faith and culture is a subject of intense debate. As a result of the corrosive pressures of “wokeism,” we’ve seen pastors make woke declarations about Jesus and the Gospel as they dramatically pivot toward cultural “syncretism.” They are compromising the purity of the Gospel to “harmonize” with the ever-changing whims of a demonic worldly culture. Syncretism is a dangerous trend that corrupts the Gospel, and with this happening in churches, it’s no wonder why many are now questioning their faith to the point of “deconstructing” their faith. 

Wokeism, syncretism, and (ultimately) deconstruction are “fruits” borne out of Marxism. Since Marx was virulently anti-God, it’s easy to understand how any theology rooted in Marxism has profound negative impacts on Truth. But how can you prevent yourself and your family from being part of a Church that is woke” (or espousing any antithetical prose)? When it comes to issues of Faith, an intense focus on the unadulterated Gospel message is key! (Remember, Gal 1:8 and 1:9 are definitive in this). Staying in a woke church just feeds the beast.

With the foundations of our Faith and the Gospel at stake, a new website has been launched to help you navigate woke clergy trends. It enables you to find a Biblical Church without subjecting your family to wretched woke pablum preached over pulpits as you visit multiple churches.

My Church Finder ( will help you find a Church that genuinely fills the Biblical and Spiritual needs of your family and community. It identifies Pastors and Churches aligned with the simple, pure, and unadulterated Gospel of Jesus, who activity teach about the dangers of WOKEISM and who are working to change our nations laws to line up with God’s Moral laws.

Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) endorses because it reduces the proliferation of wokeism and false gospels. Clergy positing Marxist ideologies to accommodate the current demonic culture will lose members while, those staying faithful to the Gospel will prosper!

EBLM recommends that if you are currently seeking a good Church family or potentially looking to navigate to a different Church, use My Church Finder (

Articles from Neil Mammen

A response to the actions today at the Capitol in DC on Jan 6th.

I have always maintained the right of all people including BLM and Antifa to peacefully assemble, to peacefully protest, and to even peaceably protest with acts of Civil Disobedience. This is a tried and true and blessed tactic, it has been practiced by Indians led by Gandhi, Americans led by MLK, and Christians led by the early church fathers, but it must be done without any destruction of property or any violence towards people or property and without the violation of any moral laws.

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The Role of the Church in a Pandemic

The Role of the Church in a Pandemic

Jesus’ politicians, his senators, his representatives and lawmakers, the Pharisees and Sadducees, passed a law saying it was illegal to heal on the Sabbath. And Jesus said, I will still heal on the Sabbath. And He did.
For the last 2000 years the Church has been driving force behind the changing 1000’s of laws. Laws that no non believer had even thought to change. We banned child prostitution, widow burning, stopped the superstitious killing of twins and temple prostitution, we banned gladiatorial combat, slavery and the abandonment of children and elders – the Church has long stepped in to be the conscience of government.

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