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Humanity's Fallen State and the Path to True Freedom

Written by Contributing Author, Charles Wekesa

By Charles Wekesa

Following Jesus isn’t about following a bunch of rules. It’s about embracing a whole new way of living. It’s like He’s showing us how to walk again after we’ve forgotten how.

Humanity’s Fallen State and the Path to True Freedom

(Contemplations from Chapter one of Kevin’s book “Freed to be Servant and Slave. Available on AMAZON)

Have you ever seen those commercials where an elderly person falls and can’t get up? It’s a bit like humanity’s current situation. We’ve taken quite a tumble, and try as we might, we just can’t seem to get back on our feet. But don’t worry, this blog post isn’t all doom and gloom. We’re going to talk about how we can find our way back up and discover true freedom. Spoiler alert: we might need a little help from above!

The Fallen State of Humanity

Remember the story of Adam and Eve? That first bite of the forbidden fruit wasn’t just about breaking a rule. It was about rebellion, it was the moment humanity fell from grace. Since then, we’ve been dealing with some pretty heavy consequences:

  • Death: We’re no longer immortal.
  • Destruction: Our world isn’t the paradise it once was.
  • Chaos: Order seems to be in short supply these days.
  • Bondage: We’re often stuck in patterns we can’t break.
  • Oppression: Power imbalances lead to suffering.

It’s like we’re all stuck in a pit, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t climb out on our own.

Need for Divine Intervention

Let’s be honest, we’ve tried to fix things ourselves. We’ve come up with philosophies, governments, and self-help books. But somehow, our deepest problems remain. It’s like trying to fix a broken bone with a band-aid.

This is where Yahweh, our creator, comes in. He’s like the ultimate emergency responder, ready to lift us out of our pit. He’s not just a helping hand; He’s our only real hope for getting back on our feet.

Cultural Bondage and Oppression

Look around the world, and you’ll see that many of our cultural trends aren’t exactly freeing. Whether it’s the pressure to look perfect on social media or the rat race of modern work life, we often feel trapped. This isn’t just a problem in one place or tradition. It’s everywhere.

Did you know that depression and suicide rates are climbing globally? It’s a sad sign that our current way of living isn’t working.

The Cosmic Battle

Now, here’s where things get a bit wild. There’s actually a spiritual war going on, and we’re caught in the middle. On one side, we have Yahweh/God, the source and standard of all good. On the other, there’s Satan, who the Bible calls “the god of this world.” He can’t ever win, he’s not the opposite of God. God has no opposite, there can be no opposite of God. But Satan’s goal is to be a thorn in God’s side by hurting those that God loves so dearly – His children.

So Satan’s not just sitting around twiddling his thumbs. He’s actively trying to keep us blind to the truth and stuck in our fallen state. It’s like he’s the one whispering, “Don’t bother trying to get up. You’re fine down there.” Or “This little compromise is fine, no one will know.”

This battle isn’t new. It’s been going on throughout history, and it’s a big reason why we see so much suffering in the world.

The Pathway to Freedom

But don’t lose hope! There’s a way out, and His name is Yeshua (Jesus). He’s not just a good teacher or a nice guy. He is God in the flesh and He paid the sacrifice for our rebellion by dying for us. He’s the perfect example of how to live in true freedom.

Following Jesus isn’t about following a bunch of rules. It’s about embracing a whole new way of living. It’s like He’s showing us how to walk again after we’ve forgotten how.

We have a choice to make. We can keep following the ways of the world, which haven’t really been working out for us. Or we can choose to follow the truth that Yahweh has given us through Jesus, the Bible.

The Bible describes all the solutions to our problems. It speaks about the proper form of government (the Republic in Exodus 18), the proper form of family (the Nuclear family), the proper form of sexuality (male and female) and the proper form of charity (the Church, not the government), Got any question about something? The first question you should ask yourself is: Does the Bible say anything about that?

Oh and yes, we can prove the Bible is the Word of God and is what was written down 2000 years ago, using Apologetics i.e. History, Archeology, Manuscript Evidence, Science, Logic and Reason.


So, humanity, are we ready to get up? It’s time to stop believing the lie that we’re fine where we are. True freedom is waiting for us, but we need to reach out and accept the help that’s being offered.

Let’s choose to trust in God’s truth in the Bible and follow Jesus’ example. It might not be easy, but it’s the surest path to standing tall and free once again.

Articles from Charles Wekesa

Humanity’s Fallen State and the Path to True Freedom

Let’s be honest, we’ve tried to fix things ourselves. We’ve come up with philosophies, governments, and self-help books. But somehow, our deepest problems remain. It’s like trying to fix a broken bone with a band-aid.

This is where Yahweh, our creator, comes in. He’s like the ultimate emergency responder, ready

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Throughout all cultures, many families prioritize their children’s academic success. This commitment is evident in their actions, such as enrolling them in private or charter K-12 schools, and the significant resources they dedicate to their education. However, it is regrettable that due to lack of funds, this investment is often

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