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Racist Leftism on Display as No Bail Incarceration Punishes Black Conservative

Written by Co-Founder, Kevin McGary

By Kevin McGary

If these voices are heard far and wide, they will disrupt deeply entrenched Democrat mindsets needed to harvest the 90+% of black voters necessary to win elections. It is easy to see how Leftist Progressives would find it expedient to publicly punish black conservatives (especially black Trump supporters) to send a message (by making them an example) about what happens when expressing dissenting views departing from entrenched Democrat orthodoxy.

Racist Leftism on Display as No Bail Incarceration Punishes Black Conservative


We have heard an outpouring of cries of “injustice” when blacks are incarcerated (for identical crimes of whites) while whites go free on bail. We have listened to demands from Progressive (Soros-funded) DAs pushing “no cash bail” as a strategy to end disparate and unequal instances of black incarceration. Are these cries and assertions based on sincere passion for justice? Or are they contrived ideas Leftists use to undermine existing legal systems further? After seeing flagrant issues of grotesque injustice on display last week, we should be pretty clear about whether DA demands to change our legal systems are principled or are radically contrived!

Last week, we witnessed a black conservative, Harrison Floyd, being arrested and denied bail. The irony is that the DA and judge overseeing Mr. Floyd’s case are Leftist Progressives ironically with a history of advocating for bail and jail reforms. They had especially decried blacks’ not receiving equal treatment and being jailed at disproportionate rates (as compared to whites). Generally, Progressives claim instances of disproportionality within the legal systems confirm racism. Yet in Harrison Floyd’s case (again, a black man), Progressives roundly encouraged and applauded Floyd’s incarceration when 18 white defendants charged with the same crime(s) were allowed to post bail. Rather starkly, Mr. Floyd’s case confirms the true motivations and racist tendencies of Leftist Progressives.

Harrison Floyd is a free-thinking, family man with an independent black voice serving in the realm of politics. During the 2020 election, he led Black Voices for Trump. Knowing that fact makes it easy to believe that his dissenting voice of non-compliance to the Left/Progressive/Democrat ideologies and associated traditions put him in jail. It is easy to see that outspoken black Trump supporters are the worst kind of enemy to Leftists/Progressives because these types carry the sound of freedom – freedom from the Democrat/Progressive plantation thinking.

If these voices are heard far and wide, they will disrupt deeply entrenched Democrat mindsets needed to harvest the 90+% of black voters necessary to win elections. It is easy to see how Leftist Progressives would find it expedient to publicly punish black conservatives (especially black Trump supporters) to send a message (by making them an example) about what happens when expressing dissenting views departing from entrenched Democrat orthodoxy.
We might surmise that any/all Trump supporters pose a threat to Progressive globalist “great reset” schemes, but it is especially so for blacks who fervently support him. Blacks who deviate from the Leftist lockstep present the gravest threat because they can easily disrupt Progressive parlance and paradigms. Without the certainty of black votes, Leftist designs to undermine and permanently change the electorate by unmooring people from American traditions could fall flat.

The disparate and malicious treatment black conservative Harrison Floyd received taught America a truth: The shrill cries of Progressive Leftists/Democrats – about how the legal systems are unjust, outdated, and need radical reforms because of disparities against blacks – are wholly insincere and unprincipled. They are contrived attempts to dominate the legal systems to allow those who are inclined toward the Leftist way of thinking to escape jail. Meanwhile, the strategy is to threaten those expressing dissenting voices and conservative views (honoring American
traditions) with “lawfare” (piling on indictments to force defendants into bankruptcy via costs for defense attorneys) and jail.

Harrison Floyd should not be jailed. He should be honored. Harrison provided a tremendous service by helping coalesce blacks around principles of historical truth, freedom, justice, and … the nemesis of Leftism, Mr. Trump, whose leadership and service helped free many black Americans from the wretched grip of groupthink. Once unshackled from the Leftist Democrat monolith, blacks can pursue traditional and successful American approaches to build family, faith, prosperity, and community. Harrison’s arrest proves the insincerity of Democrat race claims and exposes them as being unprincipled hypocrites willing to mete out retribution to anyone who threatens their unbridled ambition for complete political dominance.
Ignored by “mainstream” media, Harrison’s incarceration is a travesty. It is a manifestly racist and politically-driven miscarriage of justice precipitated by Democrats. Harrison’s personal future and his family’s future (including an infant child) are at risk. He deserves our prayers and support.

Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) is committed to standing against racism and injustice whenever and wherever it exists. We now see it exists with some of the Leftist/Progressive/Democrats, and we publicly rebuke and reject them for it. We unapologetically stand with Harrison in this time of desperate need. We support him and encourage you to also please help Harrison via prayers and the following link:

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