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Incredible … Governor Youngkin’s DEI announcement is a “gamechanger” for DEI executives!

Kevin McGary 

By Kevin McGary

“Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) applauds Governor Youngkin for his principled and pioneering approach to DEI (which is actually, Diversity “Opportunity” Inclusion); it truly does represent a “gamechanger!” We also congratulate and applaud Ms. Angela Sailor.”

Incredible … Governor Youngkin’s DEI announcement is a “gamechanger” for DEI executives!

Incoming Virginia Governor, Glenn Youngkin, has made pleasantly surprising bold and principled cabinet appointments! He surprised many by appointing former Heritage Foundation CEO Kay Coles James as State Secretary. And, recently just announced another former Heritage Foundation executive, Angela Sailor, as Virginia’s first Diversity, “Equity,” and Inclusion officer!

This is an incredible announcement that confirms a new principled “template” for hiring/appointing DEI officers; DEI recruits needn’t ’ be “wokesters” pushing irrational cultural and political ideologies. Conversely, they should be conscientious people committed to standing for every aspect of the exact definition of “diversity,” “equity” (read, opportunity), and “inclusion.” With that in mind, Angela Sailor is an excellent appointment as she is the epitome of the perfect example of a DEI executive!

In prior articles, I have written that Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) officers are (in general) frauds ( My point was that the typical DEI officer is primarily motivated by Leftist outcome-driven ideology and not aligned with the actual definition with the terms diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • To be sure, if DEI officers are conscientious and sincere, they will stand against ANY organizations that do not comport to DEI standards and definitions.
  • They would undoubtedly stand against and reject institutions that mercilessly target Blacks (or any other specific ethnicities) to reduce or eliminate their respective populations, wouldn’t they?
  • They wouldn’t be complicit or tolerate any racial targeting negatively impacting communities, right?

In other words, a sincere DEI officer would be focused on eliminating any root causes that prevent the emergence of a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce or community. Virginias newly appointed DEI officer, Angela Sailor is passionately focused on these kinds of details. It has always been part of how she views the world through the lens of taking care of the “least of these.” The poor…The forgotten…The unborn…

If workplaces and communities are genuinely concerned with “Black lives,” they would want to assure Blacks achieve true ‘diversity’ in all workplaces/communities by making sure they are allowed to be born at the same rate as others.

  1. How can Blacks achieve true “equity” anywhere if Blacks’ outcomes are so disproportional (ie. Blacks are exterminated in the womb at far greater percentages than all other ethnicities)?
  2. How can Blacks achieve “inclusion” anywhere if Blacks are strategically targeted for “elimination” in the womb? If Blacks can’t be born, aren’t they’re automatically excluded!

These are the kinds of questions that should keep every DEI officer who’s sincerely driven by their respective mission up at night. To confirm the commitment to remain focused and intentional about the core mission as the DEI officer in Virginia, Governor Youngkin and Angela Sailor included as part of her mission to be “Ambassador to the unborn!” Since there is disproportional targeting of the unborn in every community (especially of Black babies), including the unborn is fundamental to any DEI officer’s mission. Thank you!

Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) applauds Governor Youngkin for his principled and pioneering approach to DEI (which is actually, Diversity “Opportunity” Inclusion); it truly does represent a “gamechanger!” We also congratulate and applaud Ms. Angela Sailor. Virginia is producing an innovative roadmap for governance leadership. Based on recent announcements and changes, Virginia provides all communities with much to unify around and look forward to.

Article Referenced:
As seen Washington Post | Virginia Politics 

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin chooses Heritage Foundation official Angela Sailor as state’s chief diversity officer  

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Articles from Kevin McGary

Marx Infects Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | The Epoch Times

To this day, Marx’s philosophy encourages the “exploited” proletariat class to rise up and control or eliminate the bourgeoisie “ruling class.” Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik who launched the late Soviet Union, upshifted Marxism to achieve utopia by mobilizing the “masses” to undermine capitalism and meritocracy

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Darwin and DEI | The Epoch Times

Some perceive DEI as the perfect mechanism for retribution based on a history of unequal treatment of the past. From their perspective, any unequal treatment toward those who seem to fit the profile of “oppressors/victimizers,” notably, whites, is apropos payback for the generations of unequal treatment and abuse blacks endured in the past. Ironically, the loudest advocates of DEI initiatives have no problems with the people who laid the foundation of human bigotry/racism and inequality.

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