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Escaping the Matrix: Finding True Freedom in Christ

Written by Contributing Author, Charles Wekesa

By Charles Wekesa

Remember, true freedom isn’t about doing whatever we want. It’s about becoming who we were meant to be, guided by the One who created us. 

This is a summary of chapter three of Kevin McGary’s book, Freed to Be Servant and Slave (available on Amazon).

The Illusion of Freedom in Modern Culture

Many of us feel free to embrace cultural trends like nihilism, humanism, and secularism. These philosophies promise liberation from traditional constraints. However, they often lead us down a path of spiritual emptiness and moral confusion.

Then there’s the freedom to indulge in our desires. Whether it’s binge-watching shows, splurging on unnecessary purchases, or seeking instant gratification, we’re told these choices make us free. But in reality, they can trap us in cycles of addiction and discontent.

There was a time when freedom seemed to mean doing whatever one wanted—staying up late, eating junk food, and ignoring responsibilities. It felt liberating at first, but eventually, that sense of freedom led to feeling worse, not better.

Lust and pride are sneaky. They whisper to us, “Go ahead, you deserve it!” But these voices often lead us astray. Lust can push us towards harmful relationships or addictive behaviors. Pride can make us selfish and isolated.

Individuals have been seen falling into these traps. One became so fixated on appearance that relationships were neglected. Another ended up in a cycle of unfulfilling hookups, constantly chasing the next thrill but never finding a genuine connection.

These “freedoms” feed our sinful nature. They create strongholds in our lives – patterns of thought and behavior that keep us trapped. It’s like building our own prison, brick by brick, all while thinking we’re free.

Humanity’s Enslavement to Sin

Here’s a tough truth: since the fall of man, we’ve all been born into a kind of slave state. Sin isn’t just something we do; it’s a condition we’re born with. It’s like we start life with a default setting of “prone to mess up.

The Illusion of Free Will

Now, we do have free will. We make choices every day. But without God’s help, our choices are limited by our fallen nature. It’s like having a menu where everything looks tasty, but it’s all junk food. We’re free to choose, but the options aren’t great.

False Concepts of Freedom

Many people think freedom means no rules, no limits. But that’s not how it works in real life. Imagine a world with no traffic laws – it wouldn’t be freeing, it would be chaos!

The Chains of Indulgence

When we indulge in worldly desires without restraint, we often end up more constrained than before. Think about addictions – whether it’s to substances, gambling, or even our phones. What starts as a choice becomes a compulsion.

There are some people who believe that freedom means partying whenever they want. However, years later, they may feel trapped by this lifestyle, unable to form meaningful relationships or pursue their real passions.

Slavery to Sin vs. Slavery to Righteousness

Here’s a perspective shift: true freedom isn’t about being free from all constraints. It’s about choosing the right master. The Bible talks about this in Romans 6:16-18. We’re either slaves to sin, which leads to death, or slaves to righteousness, which leads to life.

Don’t you know that when you offer yourselves to someone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness? – Romans 6:16

The Truth About Freedom

So where can we find true freedom? In Jesus Christ. He offers liberation from the bondage of sin. It’s not about doing whatever we want; it’s about being free to become who we were meant to be.

A Choice of Masters

Jesus gives us a choice: we can continue in bondage to sin, or we can embrace freedom through righteousness. It’s like choosing between a harsh taskmaster who promises fun but delivers pain, or a loving father who guides us towards our best life.

Cultural and World Systems as Agents of Bondage

Our culture often sells us a false bill of goods. It promises freedom through self-indulgence, materialism, or rejection of moral standards. But these paths often lead to deeper oppression.

Progress or Bondage?

What’s often promoted as progress or enlightenment can actually be a step backwards spiritually. Personal liberty without responsibility or moral grounding isn’t true freedom – it’s just another form of slavery.

Freedom Through God’s Design and Purpose

Here’s an amazing thought: God has a specific design and purpose for each of us. True freedom is found when we align with this divine plan. It’s like finding the role you were born to play in the grand story of life.

Relationship with God

Only through a relationship with God can we overcome the bondage imposed by world systems. This relationship offers true freedom and fulfillment. It’s not about restricting our choices, but about opening up possibilities we never imagined.

Remember, true freedom isn’t about doing whatever we want. It’s about becoming who we were meant to be, guided by the One who created us. That’s where we find real liberation, joy, and fulfillment.



Articles from Charles Wekesa