
Dallas, TX USA



Embracing Non-Violence:
A Path to Peace

Written by Contributing Author, Charles Wekesa

By Charles Wekesa

We staunchly affirm that while violence is sometimes needed against an unreasonable aggressor as described by Saint Augustine in his Just War Theory treatise in “The City of God”, enduring advancement can often be best attained through peaceful methods.

Embracing Non-violence: A Path to Peace


In a world tainted by unfairness and disparity, Every Black Life Matters stands boldly as a symbol of optimism, advocating for the values of nonviolence in the quest for societal transformation.

We staunchly affirm that while violence is sometimes needed against an unreasonable aggressor as described by Saint Augustine in his Just War Theory treatise in “The City of God”, enduring advancement can often be best attained through peaceful methods.

Taking cues from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., we firmly denounce violence as a mechanism for civil change, except in certain instances like self-protection or national defense.

As such in these times we condemn any violent actions carried out in our name or for our mission and uphold a strict policy of intolerance towards such conduct.

Championing Freedom of Expression

As an entity committed to empowering Black communities, we acknowledge the crucial significance of freedom of speech.

We assert that each person is entitled to voice their viewpoints and champion their convictions.

Nonetheless, we recognize the obligation that accompanies this entitlement to utilize it in a peaceful and productive manner.

We firmly oppose resorting to violence or vandalism as a form of expression, even in the presence of injustice.

The Moral Compass of Nonviolence

Nonviolence is not a sign of weakness or passivity. It is a bold and decisive choice to confront oppression with peaceful methods. Meekness is not weakness, but power under restraint.

It is grounded in the belief in the inherent value and respect for every individual, irrespective of their race, ethnicity, or background. The Imago Dei in each human being.

Violence, conversely, dehumanizes both the aggressor and the sufferer, perpetuating a cycle of anguish and pain.

Nonaggression is a doctrine that champions love, empathy, and empathy.

It aims to persuade adversaries through discussion, dialogue, and reconciliation, rather than through pressure or aggression.

It is a strategic approach with a focus on creating enduring transformation by reshaping attitudes and perceptions.

Implementing Nonviolent Strategies

Every Black Life Matters is dedicated to championing nonviolent action in all its manifestations.

We have faith in the potency of peaceful demonstrations, boycotts, civil disobedience, and grassroots organizing to confront injustice and establish a fairer society.

We proactively participate in community outreach, education, and advocacy initiatives to heighten awareness about the significance of nonviolence and to empower individuals with the necessary tools and abilities to partake in peaceful activism.

We further acknowledge the significance of tackling the fundamental causes of violence and injustice.

This encompasses efforts to deconstruct systemic racism, advance economic parity, and guarantee access to quality education and healthcare for all.

We are of the opinion that by addressing these foundational issues, we can foster a community where violence is no longer deemed the first course of action but the last as described by Augustine.

The Struggle and the Reward

The path of nonviolence is not always easy. It requires patience, discipline, and unwavering commitment.

There will be setbacks and challenges along the way. However, we believe that the rewards of nonviolence far outweigh the difficulties.

By adhering to our principles of nonviolence, we can build a movement that is sustainable, inclusive, and ultimately more effective in achieving our goals.

We have already witnessed the power of nonviolence in action.

Throughout history, nonviolent movements have achieved remarkable victories, from the Civil Rights Movement in the United States to the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, the Independence movement in India.

These movements have shown that peaceful resistance can indeed topple oppressive regimes, dismantle unjust laws, and bring about lasting social change.

The Promise of a Nonviolent Future

As we gaze ahead, we foresee a future where violence ceases to be a method for resolving conflicts.

We imagine a society where every individual is treated with honor and regard, irrespective of their ethnicity, or upbringing. Where a man is judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

We envision a world where fairness and parity triumph, and where everyone is given the chance to achieve their utmost potential.

Every Black Life Matters is resolutely dedicated to diligently working towards realizing this vision.

We are determined to persist in advocating for nonviolence, uplifting marginalized communities, and fostering understanding across divisions.

We are convinced that through collective effort, we can shape a brighter tomorrow for all.


In a world torn by escalating strife, the principles of nonviolence stand out as a beacon, guiding the way towards a more just and peaceful society.

Opting for peace over hostility and promoting change through nonviolent resistance, we endeavor to construct a world where every individual is esteemed and shown compassion.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. aptly declared, “Darkness cannot push out darkness; only light can. Hate cannot push out hate; only love can.”

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