
Dallas, TX USA



Dear Ms. DiAngelo - We don't need your help!

Written by Co-Founder, Kevin McGary

By Kevin McGary

You don’t speak for us Ms. DiAngelo! African Americans don’t want or need your continued exploitation. As you collect tens of thousands per hour (and millions in book sales) asserting “systemic racism”,… Like so many these days, you seem to posess a “savior complex,” Ms. DiAngelo. You may believe you are sincere about helping us, but we are already a strong and resolute people group

Dear Ms. DiAngelo - We don't need your help!

We have had enough! These days, everywhere we look, we see momentum for more racial hatred and division. Everywhere we go, we see increasing carnage and destruction. Practically every conversation we have seems measured, calculated, and inauthentic because of mindless themes surrounding Critical Race Theory (CRT) like “White Fragility,” “White Privilege,” “Hegemony of the oppressor,” and the like. We say enough!

You don’t speak for us Ms. DiAngelo! African Americans don’t want or need your continued exploitation. As you collect tens of thousands per hour (and millions in book sales) asserting “systemic racism,” you gleefully support the systemic racism of Planned Parenthood while they mercilessly (and disproportionally) target black communities for “extermination.” They precipitate black genocide, yet you decline to speak out against or even consider the devastating effects to our community. Additionally, while you confirm acute disparities in the education system that create unequal learning for underserved black communities, you stop well short of supporting the great neutralizing force of “school choice.” If you were the least bit sincere, you’d strongly advocate for school choice. While you hold many nonsensical and illogical derelictions, these two alone confirm you don’t represent or speak for us!


Like so many these days, you seem to posess a “savior complex,” Ms. DiAngelo. You may believe you are sincere about helping us, but we are already a strong and resolute people group. Our history confirms we are more than overcomers! Blacks are not helpless victims incapable of accomplishing successful outcomes; we are eager and have been provided with innate talents and skills from God. When you advocate for lowering standards (in workplaces and in education) and preen about “wokeness,” you get richer and may feel better, but it’s degrading and insulting to us! Stop targeting and infantilizing the Black community. We have hope and a Savior, and it’s not you!


Ms. DiAngelo (and Et al), pushing exploitative and infantilizing schemes onto blacks hurts and undermines our progression. Because you push an agenda that is insensitive about our real plight, your works create a range of negative emotions, including distrust and disdain, not unity. As Dr. Martin Luther King advocated, we desire to be successful based on the content of our character, not out of forced racial quotas and collective animus.


The biased and divisive works of the CRT schemes you advocate are more indicative of vacuous racists preying on the heart, soul, and mind of unsuspecting blacks, not sincere moves toward unity. We know you’re are making millions while exploiting “race issues.” Still, we are praying that you renounce then denounce your ways and intentions and genuinely begin to embrace methods that will bring about unity and progression for blacks, not destruction.

6 Replies

Alicia Laumann

May 1, 2021

Thank you for what you are doing!


May 1, 2021

This is exactly what I’ve been saying, only no one listens to me because I’m not Black.


May 1, 2021

Well said.

Pam Stevens

May 1, 2021

Wonderfully said as usual.

jamie coburn

May 1, 2021

Thumbs ups!!!
Keep talking your Peace!


May 1, 2021

Itís difficult to find experienced people in this particular topic, but you seem like you know what youíre talking about! Thanks

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