
Dallas, TX USA



Kevin McGary debunks the left's myth that Planned Parenthood is no longer racist- David Brody interview!

Kevin McGary

By Kevin McGary

We stand stridently in the fight for the soul of America.

Kevin McGary debunks the left's myth that Planned Parenthood is no longer racist- David Brody interview!

The Water Cooler with David Brody 05-23-22.

Click button below to view.

My recent interview with David Brody confirms our stance. Planned Parenthood attempts to reject its diabolical heritage and founding, but its actions are still entirely congruent with the maniacal machinations of racist White Supremacist Margret Sanger.

We stand stridently in the fight for the soul of America. Every Black Life Matters (EBLM) strives to take a principled stance on every issue we face as a nation. Unlike BLM and so many others, EBLM is not an “activist” organization ideologically driven by vacuous screed when lives are in the balance. Instead, we carefully and thoughtfully weigh every issue we face with a principled mindset that logically applies righteousness and justice. 

My recent interview with David Brody confirms our stance. Planned Parenthood attempts to reject its diabolical heritage and founding, but its actions are still entirely congruent with the maniacal machinations of racist White Supremacist Margret Sanger. The track record is clear, and facts and truth cannot be ignored. To this day, we believe Planned Parenthood is indeed racist! Please listen to David Brody as we engage in this powerfully provocative interview (click photo above)   

More interviews like this need to occur with the impending outcome of the Roe V. Wade case. EBLM enjoys being out “on the tip of the spear,” standing for righteousness on weighty issues that desperately need a coherent, principled response.

Your donations significantly help in this regard. 

Articles from Kevin McGary